Chapter 218
The woman made a painful sound and turned around, but she still remembered a faint smile.

Her delicate face was pale, and bead-sized beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, ran across her cheeks, and finally disappeared into the skirt of her clothes.

"His... Your Highness, you... you are fine... just fine."

After barely finishing these words, the woman in court lady's attire fell to the ground, and there was no further movement.

Sang Luo touched the ground with her toes, jumped up and landed on a tree with a teasing smile in her mouth.

"Although this woman blocked the sword for you, I still repay the sword."

She paused, and looked meaningfully at the woman who fell on the ground, "For the sake of her infatuation, I won't kill you today."

After saying that, she jumped up several times, wanting to leave.

Gu Qinglan moved slowly, her eyes seemed to be soaked in stagnant water.

"This time, you really pissed me off."

There are golden needles between her fingers, and she moves towards the jumping Sangluo like a gust of wind.

The golden needle pierced the air, making a piercing and shrill sound.

Of the sixteen golden needles, none of them fell into Sang Luo's body, and she fell from the air like a butterfly with broken wings.

With a muffled snort, blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

Mixed with the mouth fat, I don't know whether the mouth fat is redder or the blood is redder.

Seeing that she had completely lost her ability to move, Gu Qinglan walked up to the stunned man.

He stared at the woman on the ground with disdain, with a coldness in his eyes.

At the same time, Taxue came with a group of people.

What also appeared was Fu Ran who had just returned after sending the wolf cub back.

"Your Highness, take her back, don't worry about the concubine's body." The woman's tone could not be heard to appease her anger.

Jing Mo finally moved. He turned around and looked at Gu Qinglan with a complicated expression. Then he closed his eyes, raised his head, and opened them after a long time.

The voice was ethereal, as if it came from the sky, "Fu Ran, take Yan Yue back."

Fu Ran took a few steps back in fright, and asked in surprise, "Your Highness...?"

How to put it, this girl is going to enter the East Palace soon, even if her status is not high, she is still the woman of His Highness the Crown Prince.

How could he hug her back, isn't this a skin-to-skin relationship?
The man pinched his brows heavily, glanced at the blood-stained soft sword from the corner of his eye, and his eyes gradually became darker.

"I don't want to say it a second time."

Fu Ran had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and asked cautiously, "Your Highness, can this subordinate use other methods to bring Miss Yan back to the palace?"

I don't know what's going on, His Highness's face is as cold as ice in winter, it's very scary to look at.

Jing Mo didn't speak, just nodded.

He wanted to look at Gu Qinglan again, but found that he was no longer there.

Gu Qinglan squatted beside Sang Luo, and when she saw her eyes wide open but unable to move her body, she smiled slowly.

"Why, couldn't you be eloquent just now? Now you seem to be dumb, blind and deaf, and unable to speak. You have all three of these."

"You... What evil means are you doing?" Sang Luo held his breath and jumped out word by word with difficulty.

Gu Qinglan sneered, her eyes were deep and bottomless, "Evil means? You dare to say this, but I dare not admit it. Between you and me, who has evil means, don't you know in your heart? ?”

"It is rumored that there is a medicine called Yuhuang, which can revive human flesh and bones, and even make people live forever. Tell me, is this rumor true or false?"

(End of this chapter)

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