Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 219 Plum Blossom Needle

Chapter 219 Plum Blossom Needle

The phoenix, the phoenix reborn from the ashes.

It sounds very good, but I don't know how many bones will be buried in this medicine to make it.

Just a false allusion.

Sang Luo's pupils shrank suddenly, and then quickly returned to normal, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Gu Qinglan smiled, and the wine dimples on her cheeks still complemented her delicate face a bit.

"If you don't know, then you don't know. I just hope that you will say the three words you don't know in a few days. You'd better be tougher, so you don't have to be punished and can't help but tell the truth."

"What it looks like in the Punishment Department, you must have seen it when you went to kill Xu Qingruo."

"The iron that has just been burned by the charcoal fire falls on the flesh, making a sizzling sound, and it may smell like cooked meat."

"The rope binds the hands and feet, and the rope is tightly stuck in the flesh. After a long time, maybe the rope and the flesh will grow together directly. If you want to separate the two, you can only cut the flesh and take out the rope."


Although Sang Luo was not afraid of pain, she was still frightened by Gu Qinglan's description and got goosebumps all over her body.

"The ghost doctor plum blossom needle, the golden needle enters the acupoint, and controls the body, how can you do it?"

Sang Luo didn't realize until now that her symptoms were clearly the result of rumors in the world that the golden needle inserted by the ghost doctor said that the golden needle penetrated into the human body and oozes out a little blood. When viewed from a distance, it looks like a ghost in winter on the human skin. Red plum, hence the name.

"You asked me, so I have to answer?" Gu Qinglan supported her head with one hand, her hair hung down and swayed with her movements. If there was no such scene, it would be a bit playful.

The so-called ghost doctor is Lou Yan, the second senior brother, who uses the word ghost because he always wears a ghost mask when he goes out to see a doctor.

However, Lou Yan didn't choose the ghost mask himself, but Gu Qinglan bought two casually when he and he were shopping at the night market.

Since then, there has been one more Mr. Qingzhu and one more ghost doctor in the Jianghu.

The Plum Blossom Needle was just an elegant name given by others when they saw him make a move.

When she got closer, Gu Qinglan realized that the black lines on the woman's forehead seemed to have life, and moved a little.

She frowned, and without the slightest hesitation opened the skirt of Sang Luo's abdomen.

Jing Mo, who had just come here, suddenly slapped Xuan'er and turned around.

There are two scars, one has only shallow traces, and the other is still oozing blood.

Gu Qinglan took out a pure white handkerchief, which was stained with blood.

The crimson blood immediately smeared on the veil, but it was not the normal color of blood, but more between red and black.

"Can you heal quickly in this way?" Gu Qinglan took a small dagger hanging from Sang Luo's waist without changing his expression.

The light from the tip of the knife flashed in the sunlight.

"Ah!" Sang Luo couldn't help crying out in pain, looking at the smiling woman in front of her in disbelief.

The blood-stained dagger was pulled out from the cut flesh, but instead of splashing out as Gu Qinglan thought, the blood flowed out slowly.

She watched quietly, waiting for changes in the wound.

"Because I watched, your self-healing ability can't be revealed?" Gu Qinglan continued to stab Sang Luo's abdomen forcefully, but she didn't stop when she heard her painful voice, but became more picky He raised his eyebrows, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, "For women, I have always been lenient."

(End of this chapter)

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