Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 227 Promise and Heart

Chapter 227 Promise and Heart

Just waiting for him to look up, only to find that Xie Yun beside him had already disappeared.

Ye Zheng clenched his hands tightly into fists, his knuckles turned white, and after a long time, he snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and left.


On the other side, the servant girl beside Xiao Yan looked at Ye Zheng's back suspiciously, "Girl, this servant seems to have seen Mr. Ye."

Xiao Yan took a sip of tea, picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake without raising her eyes, put it in her mouth, and narrowed her eyes comfortably like a cat that has been basking in the sun.

"Come on, come on, he didn't come for me, and I didn't come for him."

The servant girl seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a long time, she still didn't say it.


Jing Mo didn't go directly to Yan Yue's yard, but changed into clean clothes first.

When they passed by again, they happened to meet Shen Shu who had heard the news.

Surprised, Shen Shu waved her hand to let the maid following her leave, while she walked to Jing Mo's side.

"Mother's queen." The man's voice was slightly low, and his eyes fell to Xiyan at his feet empty.

Shen Shu caressed the folds of the sleeves, and asked him in a calm manner, "You look like this, with your whole body slumped, how can you look like a prince of a country?"

"Why, you are so worried about her, so worried that you have lost your usual sense of proportion?" Shen Shu sighed quietly, "You were messing around like that before, and the queen mother just reprimanded you, but didn't really stop you, because you read The queen mother's mood did not welcome her into the East Palace after all."

"In today's incident, she saved you with her own life. As a mother, the empress mother should thank her, but as the mother of the Jing family, the empress mother cannot repay this kindness."

"What she wants is not only your doting, but also the position, identity, character, and talent of the princess. She is not worthy of any of them."

Seeing his cold face, Shen Shu was a little disappointed, but she still said, "You are grown up now, you can decide what you want, but if you want her to be the princess, it's not impossible."

"Lan'er has nothing to do with it, and the two of you haven't consummated the house. The queen mother will tell your father and emperor to let you two reconcile. Feng Lan'er will be Princess Anding, and Gu Yang... will be a king with a different surname."

Only then did Jing Mo come to his senses, "Empress Mother, I don't mean that. The Crown Princess is very good, and I am very happy to have a wife like Qingqing."

"Qingqing?" Shen Shu raised her eyes in surprise. When did the prince call the princess so affectionately?

"Then what are you doing standing here with a straight face?" Shen Shu covered her face with a round fan to block the blowing wind.

Shen Shu really didn't understand his answer.

She knew that the prince was very different from the princess recently, but it was the difference seen by others, not him himself.

What's going on now, suddenly enlightened?

"Mother, there is indeed something I want to ask my mother about."

Shen Shu raised her eyebrows, a beautiful face set off by the afterglow of the setting sun became more and more like a celestial girl, delicate but with inherent nobility.

"Go ahead."

The word "ask for advice" made her curious.

"When a gentleman says a word, a horse is hard to follow. A man should keep his promise, but if he wants to make a promise, he has to go against his own heart. I really don't know what to do."

Shen Shu was stunned, and after thinking about his words carefully, she unconsciously raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

"You were born lucky. No one competed with you for the position of crown prince. Your royal father even confiscated all your younger brothers and drove them there because he was worried about taking over the heir. They were not allowed to return to the capital without an edict."

 There will be broth in the next few days  ̄ω ̄=~
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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