Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 228 What Does Today Mean?

Chapter 228 What Does Today Mean?

"Even if you did such absurd things for Yan Yue last year, how many ministers in the court made up for it, your father never told you about these things, but only told those ministers that you are his appointed prince, maybe will disappoint him."

There was a slight pause in her tone, as if she had made some huge decision. Shen Shu's face was serious, "The queen mother said these words not to ask you to understand the painstaking efforts of the queen father and queen mother, and to take up the responsibility of Prince Jing. It is to tell you that Jing has With your father and mother here, the sky will not fall, you can do things according to your own will, no one will criticize you, and no one dares to criticize you."

Naturally, if he did something that didn't meet her wishes, then she would beat him to death as a traitor first.

Jing Mo didn't know Shen Shu's true inner thoughts, just because she felt a little moved by what she said, "I thank my mother for teaching me, I will definitely live up to my father's and queen's expectations."

Shen Shu softened her voice, with an extremely gentle look, "It's just as long as you understand."

"Go in, this time she saved you, you go in and see her, the queen mother will be with you."

If she goes in and does something out of the ordinary, she will not want this son.

Doing things according to his own will, in front of him, there were layers of thick fog covering his sight, but then, a gust of wind blew away the smoke.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." The man turned around and took a few steps before his figure disappeared completely.

Shen Shu, who stayed where she was, was stunned and at a loss.

She is ready to go into the yard together, but who can tell her what's going on now?

"Zhao Dezhong."

"The servant is here." Zhao Dezhong hurried over and knelt down.

Shen Shu's brows were filled with a touch of sadness, "Did the prince tell you what to do with this woman, and just put it in this yard?"

Although it was agreed at the time that this woman could enter the East Palace, it would be unreasonable to place her in the West Mountain Palace in advance.

When people outside knew about it, they thought they valued her more.

Zhao Dezhong looked embarrassed, opened his mouth, and said after a while, "I haven't seen Your Highness since I came back from hunting, so I don't know what His Highness thinks."

"It's just that Fu Ran next to His Highness said that when the girl's injuries get better, she will be removed from the palace."

After hearing this, the surprise on Shen Shu's face was almost obvious, her beautiful eyes widened, and her long and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, showing her master's uneasy mood.

"Are you serious?"

Although it was doubtful, Shen Shu did not disbelieve what Zhao Dezhong said.

Although Fu Ran and Zhao Dezhong were loyal to the palace, they only obeyed the crown prince.

It's not because she doesn't like to hear it that she will deliberately fabricate things that the prince hasn't said or done.

"I don't dare to tell half a lie." After Zhao Dezhong finished speaking, he was also puzzled. According to the enthusiasm His Royal Highness treated Miss Yan before, it is impossible not to take a look now.

You know, at that time the emperor and empress forbade him to see it, and His Royal Highness still went out of the palace privately, and even attracted several adults to criticize him in court.

"Zhao Dezhong, you have been with the prince for the longest time, what do you think the prince means today?"

Shen Shu thought about the words just now, the promise and the intention. At first, she thought that the promise refers to the imperial decree to marry the princess, while the intention refers to Yan Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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