Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 233 Rumors Outside

Chapter 233 Rumors Outside

There seemed to be some sadness on the handsome face.

"My daughter has met His Highness the Crown Prince." Zhou Ruoling finally seized the opportunity and waited until the man walked to a place where no one was around, and hurried out to salute.

She walked in a hurry, and on weekdays, she was a boudoir girl who didn't go out of the door, and she was a little out of breath after these few steps.

"Why did you appear here?" Jing Mo thought of Gu Qinglan's dislike for her, and subconsciously looked over with this dislike.

The smile on Zhou Ruoling's lips froze slightly, "Today, the empress has given you the grace to let the ministers and daughters walk in the palace."

The celebration banquet, of course, has people attending the banquet.

Those who attended the banquet included Zhou Ruoling and other noble ladies.

"Get up." Jing Mo took a few steps back indistinctly before telling her to stand up.

Zhou Ruoling straightened her back gracefully, raised her head, and wanted to meet the man's gaze.

However, his gaze fell on the man's lips involuntarily. To be precise, there was an extremely obvious bite mark on that lip.

The smile and composure on her face were like a shattered glass mirror, shattered inch by inch until the shattering completely disappeared.

The face is like a peach blossom, such a word should not describe a man, but now it can't be more appropriate to describe Jing Mo, especially the spring in his eyes that has not disappeared.

"The court lady heard that a woman saved His Highness today, and that this woman is... His Highness's beloved. She was a little confused before, but now that she looks at it, she never expected that these rumors are actually true."

What I saw today made Zhou Ruoling's heart hang in the air, but this bite mark directly knocked her heart out of the air, and fell directly to the bottom of the valley, never to be found again.

So what she said began to be out of order.

But Jing Mo was seriously thinking about this.

Why, the rumors outside are thinking that his beloved is Yan Yue?

"Go on, do you want to hear what's going on outside?" The man's eyes were completely calm, and his tone was so flat that he couldn't hear the emotion in it.

Zhou Ruoling lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, and she already had the answer in her heart.

When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman benefits. If she wants to do it, she must be the fisherman.

"It's said that His Highness is infatuated, and that woman who sacrificed her life to save His Highness is also a match made in heaven."

What she didn't notice was that the man frowned more and more when he heard this.

He only racked his brains for words, "It is also said that the Crown Princess is also very kind-hearted, and she can keep that woman in the palace. If she is an ordinary family, she might have dismissed such a threatening woman long ago."

It is better to hold a person who has no status and unclean body than a person who stands in that honorable position with a very outstanding family background and appearance.


"Is this how it was spread outside?" Jing Mo asked.

Zhou Ruoling boldly raised his head and glanced at the man's expression, and replied after seeing that there was nothing unusual, "Yes, the minister's daughter said every word."

Jing Mo chuckled, he didn't know if he was laughing at himself or Zhou Ruoling, his eyes showed some haze, "What about you, how do you view these rumors?"

It is located in a remote place where the afterglow of the setting sun does not reach. The mountain wind is blowing and it is chilly, not at all like a vibrant spring.

Zhou Ruoling calmed down, thinking that if she confirmed the rumor, then Gu Qinglan would be punished by the crown prince, and no matter how bad it was, she would have a reputation of being jealous.

No matter how you think about it, she won't suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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