Chapter 234 Loyalty

"Returning to Your Highness, the court lady thinks that the rumors are about [-]% true and [-]% false."

"Seven points true, three points false?"

"Yes, [-]% of the facts, [-]% of the embellishment, groundless rumors, those rumors can be spread, there is probably a certain reason."

She didn't say the words completely, but left a leeway for herself.

In this way, no matter what, she will not be harshly criticized by His Highness.

Jing Mo was silent for a long time, his eyes fixed on Zhou Ruoling.

Zhou Ruoling lowered her head shyly, not daring to look up at him.

"Zhou Ruoling, I remember Taifu Zhou once told Gu that he has a granddaughter who is the most well-behaved person that can't be found anywhere in the capital."

"It's my grandfather who praised me absurdly. The courtiers are not as good as my grandfather said."

Jing Mo curled his lips coldly, but he didn't seem to be smiling, "You're right, Taifu Zhou is indeed exaggerating, your rules are not as good as those of the maids in the palace of the Crown Princess."

To Zhou Ruoling, comparing her with a court lady was an obvious insult.

She gritted her teeth and explained, "Those words just now were also hearsay from the minister's daughter."

Zhou Ruoling understood Jing Mo's true thoughts in time, but it was too late, so he could only try to remedy it.

"Hearsay? It doesn't look like hearsay just now that you said so convincingly."

"Your Highness, my daughter..."

"Forget it, I'm tired of listening to your explanation alone." The man showed an impatient face, stroking the jade pendant with his fingers, "I told you before, be careful with your words and deeds, it seems that you can't Listen to these words in your ears."

Zhou Ruoling's face was so red that it was almost as red as the clothes on her body, her mouth was a little bit astringent, and she didn't know what to say in her mind to save the current situation.

"It's my daughter's fault." She could only kneel on the ground and admit her mistake with a "plop".

"The matter of Zhou Tianci has already been investigated clearly by others. I think Taifu Zhou has cultivated many talents for the Jing family." When he said the word "cultivate", the man's deep eyes were full of sarcasm, "I won't kill him this time."

Zhou Ruoling breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and forgot about his embarrassing situation.

One of the most important reasons why she tried so hard to stop Jing Mo was Zhou Tianci.

If something happened to Zhou Tianci here, it would be impossible for her grandfather to spare her after returning home.

"It's just..." The man slightly parted his lips, his expression indifferent, "Death is inevitable, but life is inevitable. Someone will tie him up and parade him through the streets for three days."

Literati value face, and in many cases, face is even more important than life.

Jing Mo's move was to throw the Zhou family's face, and Taifu Zhou's face, on the ground and trample on it.

For Zhou Taifu, this way of dealing with it is not a kind of forgiveness, but an even worse level of torture.

After this, the Zhou family's reputation will not be as good as before.

It's just that he has no way to intercede, the Zhou family's face, Zhou Tianci's life, Zhou Taifu will always lose one.

Jing Mo bet on the life of his only grandson.

If the grandfather knew that his cousin would be paraded through the streets for three days, he would definitely be furious.

Zhou Ruoling was begging for mercy in earnest, "Your Highness, please forgive me. My cousin made a big mistake because of an unintentional mistake. Please forgive my cousin this time for the sake of the loyalty of the Zhou family."

"Loyalty?" Jing Mo looked at other places indifferently, "These four words are not a gold medal for avoiding death, nor are they an iron book. If everyone can use these four words to excuse after making a mistake, Are the laws of the Jing family just for you to look at as a display?"

(End of this chapter)

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