Chapter 252

After saying this, Xiao Yan seemed to have a very good relationship with Zhou Ruoling, and stretched out her hand to forcibly pull Zhou Ruoling away.

Everyone in this temple, more or less, has a somewhat complicated mood.

Especially one of the parties involved, Gu Qinglan.

Her face was ashen and her heart was stagnant.

Although she didn't know what the man was going crazy during this period of time, and whether his mind was often flooded with water, but she knew that if he went out in the future, he would have to cover his face.

She really did something wrong in her previous life, that she could only meet such a person with a cranial disease in this life.

Did she dig his ancestral grave?

"The prince is young after all. The young Muai is a normal thing. Seeing the prince like this, I think of myself many years ago."

As soon as Jing Xuan said these words, they were followed by one sentence after another of echoing words.

After hearing this, Gu Qinglan wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury her head in it.

She doesn't want to live anymore.

Jing Mo withdrew his hand and took a look. There was a large patch of red on the back of his hand, with blue and purple dotted on top of the red.

His brows and eyes twitched slightly, the princess's hand was really ruthless.

"Does the princess want to kill her husband?" He asked.

Jing Mo put his hand on her lap carelessly, and Mingli accused him.

Gu Qinglan ignored him, and continued to drink tea with the teacup in her hands, but her hands were pitifully tucked into her sleeves, not daring to stretch them all out.

She really wanted to kill now if she could.

But the more at this time, the more she has to calm down.

For such a dog man, blood on his hands is not worth it.

But Jing Mo repeated it again, "Gu's hand is very painful now, it would be great if someone could help Gu squeeze it."

Gu Qinglan turned to look at Zhao Dezhong, "Didn't you hear His Highness the Crown Prince's words? Go and give him a handshake."

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

Now it is more and more difficult to work beside His Highness.

He just wanted to make a fortune safely and securely, so why was he so unlucky, he was pushed out every now and then to block the knife.

"My slave has thick hands, so I don't have to press His Highness's hands sorely."

There were people all around, and Zhao Dezhong didn't have the guts to kneel down to attract attention, so he could only speak in a low voice.

He was sure that if he went to lay hands on His Highness, he would definitely be punished afterwards.

"Does Your Highness think so too?" Gu Qinglan's eyes inevitably showed some contempt.

Such a manly man, yet he is so squeamish.

Jing Mo didn't seem to see the contempt in her eyes, "Zhao Dezhong is right, his hands are thick, but his skin is tender and fleshy, and it hurts when pressed."

Gu Qinglan looked at him strangely, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Then Aman's tender hands will definitely satisfy His Highness." Gu Qinglan pushed Aman out without hesitation.

"Oops!" Aman's right hand suddenly trembled non-stop, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "I accidentally bumped into the door when I was carrying the basin in the morning."

Gu Qinglan: "...Your brain is broken when you hit the door, not your hands."

Aman: "My servant hasn't finished talking yet. When I hit the door and fell down, the basin happened to fall on my hand. My hand is still hurting."

Gu Qinglan said with a wooden face, "Why can't I see that your hand was injured?"

Why didn't she know that Aman's betrayal was so thorough.

Aman: "The crown princess didn't know something, and the servant secretly went to the imperial doctor for a pulse check. The imperial doctor said that the servant might have an internal injury."

(End of this chapter)

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