Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 253 Internal Injury

Chapter 253 Internal Injury
The hand was hit by a basin, it turned out to be an internal injury?

Gu Qinglan almost couldn't hold back her facial expression contorting, "Who is the imperial physician who checked your pulse?"

She would like to ask, how could there be a pulse of internal injury when her hand was hit by a basin.

Aman: "My servant's memory has been poor recently, and I don't remember which imperial physician took the pulse."

Jing Mo secretly wrote down Aman's name in his heart, and looked for an opportunity later, and he would be rewarded a lot.

"In this case, let the concubine give your Highness a good press." Gu Qinglan smiled very softly, the dimples on her cheeks were more intoxicating than the fine wine on this low table.

The man paused his fingers, as if hesitating, and then said, "Then I will trouble the Crown Princess."

For the sake of him going hunting with his father tomorrow, the princess shouldn't go too far.

After all, if he held the reins with a hand that was swollen like a pig's trotter, not to mention his father, the ministers around him would be suspicious.

The woman's boneless fingers gently caressed the back of his hand.

Then use a lot of force.

And they are all grabbing the red, green and purple ones, kneading them vigorously.

Jing Mo: "..."

Although it hurts, but he just doesn't want to stop, what's going on?

After a while, all the dancers in the palace changed, and Gu Qinglan exclaimed as if she had realized her conscience, "What should I do, after the concubine's body was pressed, His Highness's hand seems to be getting worse and worse. .”

"It's okay, I feel much better already."

The man endured it, didn't write the pain on his face, and he was so strong that he didn't withdraw his hand.

Zhao Dezhong and Aman, the only two who knew the real situation, admired Jing Mo's forbearance.

Looking at the colorful pig's trotters in front of her, Gu Qinglan silently compared the man's other hand, which was slender and fair with well-defined joints, and it must be very pleasing to the eye if it was placed in the hand and played quietly.

As if sensing a crisis, the man's other hand moved subconsciously, and then moved to the side uncomfortably.

The kneading movements below her can really be described as tender and tender.

It's just that this kind of tenderness is like water on the obvious wound, just like a wound with broken skin, just sprinkle a little salt water on it.

If there were no one around now, Jing Mo would definitely lower his face and grin his teeth.

But now, although not in full view of the public, there are many eyes looking at them, so he has to show his due demeanor.

In the second half of the banquet, almost all the monarchs and ministers toasted, and then said some words of good weather, prosperity and peace.

Those who didn't participate in the topic felt sleepy, but they had to keep their eyes wide open.

Sitting next to Xiao Yan, Zhou Ruoling felt something was wrong.

Why are these women around her looking at her so angrily.

Fang Rui'er came over with her head hooked, and said flatteringly, "Sister Zhou is really powerful. The empress gave such a precious jade ring as a gift to her. Doesn't it mean that the empress favors elder sister Zhou? Here, Rui'er wishes her to fulfill her wish first." gone."

Xiao Yan glanced contemptuously, and then rolled her eyes without any cover.

Fang Rui'er was about to scold subconsciously, but she thought of her family background, if Zhou Ruoling was going to settle down, wouldn't it be worth the harm for her to offend the Xiao family.

She could only whisper coquettishly, "Why is Sister Xiao staring at Sister Zhou? It makes me terrified."

(End of this chapter)

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