Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 264 Little Goblin

Chapter 264 Little Goblin

Jing Mo's current emotions are very complicated. On the one hand, he feels that the princess's initiative just now made him very happy, and on the other hand, he feels that such a small taste is not enough, and it just draws out the deep desire lurking in his heart.

And he was still faintly jealous.

For such a little goblin, the princess was willing to put down her body and kiss him.

Obviously he begged so many times before, but he just kissed her cheek.

"Your Highness, can you sleep somewhere else tonight?" Gu Qinglan blinked, her clean and pure pupils glowing beautifully.

The tone was soft and waxy, Jing Mo seldom heard such gentleness, he was gentle before, but it was just the kind of gentleness that floated on the surface and was cold.

It's just the meaning in this gentleness, but he is not very willing to accept it.

"Why do Gu go to sleep elsewhere."

It is impossible to keep this tiger, but he will not fare well, so he should be driven away.

Gu Qinglan touched Da Huang's head, and said with a smile, "Da Huang is timid. If Your Highness does something that shouldn't be done at night, I can't guarantee what Da Huang will do."

Jing Mo: "..."

He really dug himself a big hole.

"It's getting so late, where can Gu go?"

The man lowered his head aggrievedly, and when the woman's heart softened, he said again, "The princess concubine just returned to her relatives, how could she drive her away in the blink of an eye, it's really unreasonable."

Gu Qinglan's heart hardened instantly after hearing these words.

"There is a clean room next to it, Your Highness can go there, otherwise it will be the same if I bring rhubarb with me."

He doesn't want to leave, and women don't want to leave either.

What's the point of living in a room with only one person, as long as the two of them are in love with each other.

"Princess, is this the one who forgets to do things for you after the work is done?" The man glanced at Rhubarb who was whimpering, feeling very annoyed.

After all, it is a beast, can it be a little bloody, why is it as sticky as a domestic dog.

Speaking of which, the crown princess's animal relationship seems to be very good from before, and so is the wolf cub, no one looks down on him, and he likes to stay by the crown princess's side.

At this moment, Jing Mo regretted sending the wolf cub away. If he stayed here, the rhubarb might subconsciously kill the wolf cub. Then, when the princess got angry when she saw this scene, even if she didn't deal with the rhubarb, she would definitely I won't let it continue to follow me.

It can be seen that sometimes, a man's heart is also very poisonous.

"But rhubarb..."

"Hmph." The man raised his chin slightly, with a bit of self-respect and dignity, "Could it be that the princess forgot, it's not until tomorrow, that is to say, everyone still doesn't know that Rhubarb is an orphan."

Gu Qinglan silently looked up at him, apparently not expecting the man to say such words that he wanted to break his promise.

"Your Highness, a gentleman's words are hard to follow." Gu Qinglan reminded.

"The princess is not moral, so how can Gu Gu keep her promise?" Jing Mo's lips were tightly pressed together, even if he didn't look at him, he could still feel the resentment coming from him.

Gu Qinglan paused for a moment, and could only pat Rhubarb on the head.

Pointing to the blanket outside, "Go to sleep there."

Rhubarb twisted his body but refused to move out, and even looked eagerly at the couch.

The meaning is obvious, it wants to sleep where Jing Mo slept before.

(End of this chapter)

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