Chapter 265

Seeing this scene, Jing Mo's blood almost flowed backwards.

What dares to take his place?He's getting it stewed for him now.

Rhubarb obviously hasn't sensed that the man has already had the idea of ​​peeling and cramping it to make soup. He still leans his head against the woman's hand sticky, and then gently pulls the woman's hand off with his paws, as if inviting her Touch its fur.

Seeing this, Jing Mo completely lost his mind, and walked quickly over a few steps, stepping on Rhubarb's paw as if inadvertently, "Tomorrow the princess will have to talk to the queen mother, if I don't sleep now, I won't be energetic tomorrow."

As he said that, when Rhubarb jumped its claws in pain, he squeezed its body away with force.

Replacing Rhubarb's previous position, he looked at Gu Qinglan eagerly.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

Why can't she understand the current situation?
"Gu sees that Rhubarb looks a bit ignorant of good and bad, why not wait until tomorrow when Gu goes hunting with Father and Emperor, and catch a docile tiger for the Crown Princess."

Da Huang didn't know if he understood the man's words, his pupils shrank slightly, and he bared his teeth viciously at the man.

"Did you see it? Princess, you dare to do this even here. If you carry it alone, don't you worry about being eaten by it?"

Gu Qinglan glanced at Rhubarb, who was baring his teeth, and after just one glance, Rhubarb drooped his tail and lowered his head, looking aggrieved, which made people feel pitiful.

The expression of the man and Rhubarb are generally the same.

For a moment, Gu Qinglan didn't know what to say.

"Crown princess, don't believe the grievance it is pretending to be. When the princess doesn't look at it, it will stare at Gu again viciously." The man complained very happily.

Gu Qinglan was expressionless, and she even wanted the man to get out with Rhubarb.

But she could only stand up, walk up to Da Huang lying on the ground, and said softly, "Da Huang is the most obedient, isn't he?"

The face is calm, but the hands are getting harder.

Rhubarb first yelled in a low voice, then seemed to react, and swallowed the yell, his body almost completely froze.

After that, obediently walked outside, taking a slow step and turning back three times.

Seeing this, Jing Mo's expression gradually became complicated. He didn't want the tiger to sleep here, but why did he feel happy when he saw it leaving in a miserable state, but at the same time felt a little sympathetic?
After a lot of tossing, the two finally lay down on the couch again, but at this time, Jing Mo did not have the previous charming thoughts.

Because Gu Qinglan had blatantly taken out the dagger under the pillow and placed it between the two of them.

He didn't move, glanced at the dagger quietly from the corner of his eye, and his mind was full of the words that the princess wanted to make him like Zhao Dezhong.

He hasn't eaten meat yet, so how could he become Zhao Dezhong.

No, even if he eats meat, don't become Zhao Dezhong.

Zhao Dezhong, who was deeply asleep in his own room, suddenly shuddered, opened his eyes in confusion, then turned over, and fell asleep again.

Have a good night's sleep.

As the sun rises, a little morning light falls on the transplanted bamboo in the yard, and the light golden light shines on it, like a fine jade carving.

The wind blows gently, and the bamboo leaves outside the yard make a rustling sound, accompanied by the faint but intoxicating fragrance of bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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