Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 266 Both Chapter 266 What an Enemy

Chapter 266 Both Chapter 266 What an Enemy
Aman and several maids guarded the door, waiting for the movement inside.

After hearing the sound of turning over, Aman walked to the door and knocked on the door, "Your Highness, the princess, the slaves are already guarding outside."

Gu Qinglan was about to say something when she suddenly remembered an extremely serious matter.

When the rhubarb was in Gu's house, Aman fed it at first, but when the rhubarb grew up, Aman didn't have the courage to approach, so Gu Qinglan took care of everything.

It's just that Da Huang seems to remember A Man's voice, and every time he hears A Man's voice, he can't help drooling.

She got up, put on some clothes casually, and rushed to the outside room.

However, it was too late, and there were screams outside one after another, as well as the sound of pots falling on the ground and people hitting the ground.

Gu Qinglan turned to look at Jing Mo who had stood up with a complicated face, "Does Your Highness want to go out and see the rhubarb I raised?"

After hearing these words, Jing Mo's expression was particularly complicated.

The crown princess's ability to shake the pot is even better than him.

"Princess Concubine, you are wearing lonely clothes." Although Jing Mo would like to let people know how close the two are, but if the Crown Princess walks out like this, he will be the one who is unlucky.

For example, becoming angry from embarrassment and not letting him in, etc.

Gu Qinglan froze for a moment, took off the clothes on her body without changing her face, and then changed into her own clothes.

Only then did they go out together with Jing Mo.

At this moment, Rhubarb had already recognized Aman, and was walking back and forth beside her, still growling incessantly.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that Dahuang regards Aman as food.

But Gu Qinglan knew that Rhubarb just thought that Aman would bring him delicious food.

Aman stood on the ground, his whole body was stiff, especially when he saw Rhubarb's head rubbing against her hand, he didn't dare to take a breath.

"Come here." The man said.

Rhubarb ignored him, and still circled around Ah Man

Gu Qinglan could only cover her lips and coughed twice.

Da Huanghu froze, and quickly ran towards Jing Mo, swinging his legs.

When Aman was about to lean against him, the man stepped aside unobtrusively.

With a sound of "dong", Rhubarb's head didn't have a man as a pad, so it hit the door directly, and it looked at Gu Qinglan aggrieved.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

How much hatred do these two have?

"This is a tiger raised by Guxin. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt people."

It only eats people, Jing Mo added silently in his heart.

The maids who were still awake walked forward tremblingly with their legs shaking.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, let the servants clean up for you."

Hearing the voice, Zhao Dezhong rushed to the door, when he saw a few court ladies and eunuchs lying on the ground.

When he was wondering if His Highness was on a killing spree, he raised his head and met Rhubarb's eyes.

Zhao Dezhong was stiff all over, "Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian... Your Highness."

"Stuttering, haven't you seen rhubarb?"

rhubarb?Means this tiger?

But when did he meet?

"Zhao Dezhong took care of Rhubarb last night, and will go get the reward later."

When Zhao Dezhong heard the word "reward money", his body was no longer stiff, and he was able to breathe slowly.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward."

The corners of the man's lips curled up slightly, and there was something different in his eyes. He patted Rhubarb on the head, "Go to Zhao Dezhong and ask him to find something for you."

When Zhao Dezhong heard Jing Mo say this, he was still thinking, how could he really understand human language because he is just a beast.

(End of this chapter)

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