Chapter 267

Unexpectedly, Rhubarb really walked straight towards Gu Qinglan after taking a look at him.

Now Zhao Dezhong's eyes were all looking for help,
"What are you doing with that look on your face? Rhubarb is very cute, even the princess praises it."

Speaking of Gu Qinglan, Rhubarb suddenly restrained the blood and fierceness in his eyes, like a domesticated cat, his wet eyes were as pure as water.

Zhao Dezhong had no choice but to walk out step by step, and had to watch from time to time to see if Rhubarb followed.

"Your Highness, don't worry about the rhubarb cannibalism. If I don't let it move, it won't move."

The few who died were just to blame.

The man stroked his sleeves with his fingers, and frowned almost imperceptibly.

Such an expression again, the last time he saw the Crown Princess showing such an expression was when he saw Zhou Ruoling.

Could it be that those people who ate rhubarb were related to Zhou Ruoling.

He always had to find out about this matter.

However, the Crown Princess wanted to kill Zhou Ruoling, but she didn't do it for a long time, probably because she was worried about the power of the Zhou family, so she forbeared until now.

But what kind of thing can make the princess who has always been tolerant of women feel murderous.

The man lowered his eyes, didn't think about the answer for a long time, and finally had to give up.

Estimating the date, Xu Yu is almost in the capital at this moment, and it is most appropriate to entrust this matter to him.

Zhao Dezhong took rhubarb out and attracted many strange looks.

Naturally, most of the strange eyes were filled with fear.

Zhao Dezhong could only explain one when he saw one, saying that it was raised by His Royal Highness and had a docile personality.

Although they were a little shocked by the first half of the sentence, they could still barely believe it. Indeed, only people like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can even raise pets that are different from ordinary people.

But they don't understand the docile personality.

Looking at this face, they can be convinced by a few mouthfuls alone.

Such a commotion was heard even by Shen Shu who had just gotten up to make up.

Seeing the southern red jade on her bun in the bronze mirror, Shen Shu raised her eyebrows, "Where did this hairpin come from? It's very strange."

It doesn't look very gorgeous, but the complexion of the person is becoming more and more fair like jade.

Ningshuang tidied up the broken hair with a comb, and said with a smile, "This was given by the princess when she sent the beauty formula earlier. The slave girl saw that it looked really good, so she put it on for the empress."

"Although this hairpin is not more expensive than the ones that the empress usually wears, it is also honorable. Besides, since all the wives are here today, the empress can make them learn together in a simpler way."

Shen Shu sighed, "After all, you think well. If I don't have you by my side, it's like missing an arm."

Ningshuang pursed her lips and smiled, "The maidservant is willing to serve by the empress's side all the time, not going anywhere."

"Speaking of which, my mother's complexion is getting better these days." Ningshuang looked carefully, and she said that getting better was a word of humility, more like a young girl in her twenties, with delicate and transparent skin With a very natural fairness.

Shen Shu touched her cheek subconsciously, "It seems to be much better, isn't the princess's beauty formula really useful?"

Ningshuang finally submerged a small hairpin into Shen Shu's towering bun, and the tassels fell outside, flickering a bit playfully.

"You can see the filial piety of the princess to the empress."

Shen Shu's brows and eyes stretched, and the corners of her lips curled up, "The Crown Princess is naturally a good one. Seeing that her relationship with the Crown Prince is getting better and better, I feel happy in my heart."

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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