Chapter 268 Articles
After dressing up, Shen Shu stood up with Ningshuang's support, and was waited on to tie up her thin waist, and finally buttoned a capsule filled with spices.

"Go back and send the phoenix hairpin with pearls and red agates in the box to the Crown Princess."

"As for the tiger, is it really the prince who keeps it?"

Shen Shu frowned slightly. She remembered that the crown prince didn't like these furry animals since he was a child. Although tigers were different from ordinary palace pets, they also had a lot of fur on their bodies.

Ningshuang nodded and smiled, "Zhao Dezhong took care of it."

If Zhao Dezhong takes care of it, it can only be raised by the prince.

A little surprise flashed in Shen Shu's eyes, and she took the round fan in Ningshuang's hand, "By the way, tell the prince to restrain himself and stop ostentatiously, what if the beast scares the princess by accident."

Ning Shuang even claimed yes, and carefully brushed away the wrinkles of Shen Shu's shoulders.

"When it was still daylight, Mr. Xie sent over the Purifying Mantra twice. Because it was still early, the servant let him go back first." Ningshuang stretched out her hand, and the maid at the side quickly put the Purifying Mantra on her hand .

Shen Shu glanced at it lightly, turned a few pages and said, "That kid is also shameless, and he really wants the girl from the Xiao family to copy a copy for him."

Ningshuang's eyebrows turned into crescent moons, "If the empress is not willing to see this layer, why would she specially punish him to copy it twice?"

Shen Shu: "Although that boy is a mess, he is the grandson of Taifu Xie, and he is considered polite in front of outsiders on weekdays. It is better than the marriage arranged by the Xiao family girl. It is a pity that Mr. Xiao is upright and honest, and he behaves fairly in the world. In the end, the marriages of the two daughters were not smooth."

Shen Shu said this not because she disliked Ye Zheng's identity and was not worthy of Xiao Yan.

It was Ye Zheng who didn't know who he was entrusting to, but actually stopped in front of the prince and handed over the article he had written.

Said that he is full of poetry and books, and has great talents, but he is helpless but always has a rough life and is not reused.

Seeing this, Jing Mo asked Zhao Dezhong to read Ye Zheng's article.

There is a sentence in it, His Royal Highness's military strategy, from the day he assisted the emperor in handling state affairs, he can see his ability to be a prince, but the people in the world are ignorant, and they don't attribute this credit to His Highness. Record the great achievements of His Royal Highness.

If this is the case, it is probably Jing Mo's thoughts that he thinks he has hit the mark. The emperor is not aging, but the prince's wings are getting fuller day by day, and there will be conflicts one day.

And Ye Zheng chose to go to Jing Mo not because of the so-called Prince Wentao and martial arts strategy written in the article, but because he felt that the important ministers around Jing Xuan were one after another. go.

It's better to take a gamble, if you win, you will be rich and prosperous that you can't even imagine.

Naturally, all his fantasies must be based on poking Zhong Jingmo's mind.

It's a pity not. Although he doesn't feel much fatherly love on weekdays, Jing Mo still respects his father very much.

Moreover, the person who sits on the throne has an easier life than Jing Xuan, who gets up early and stays late at night, and drags anyone out of the palace.

Although it has been decades since Jingxuan ascended the throne, the real stability of the world is only in the past few years, and under such a stability, there are still wind and rain.

"Send someone to tell Lord Xiao about Ye Zheng's visit to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, without saying a single word."

(End of this chapter)

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