Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 269 It's Like a Dream

Chapter 269 It's Like a Dream

"Why keep a dog that can bite people."

Ningshuang bowed her knees, "I will obey Yi's order."

It was already half an hour later to eat and drink the rhubarb waiters. Fortunately, during the hunt yesterday, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was beating countless beasts like crazy. Now the dining room is most lacking in animal meat.

Rhubarb leisurely followed Zhao Dezhong, playing with his tail and twitching Zhao Dezhong's fingers from time to time.

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

He always felt that what happened today was like a dream.

He can even walk a tiger.

Just now he saw a maid beside Princess Yonghe walking around holding a little white rabbit, for some reason, when he saw his chest, he straightened up.

People walk the little white rabbit, but he walks the king of beasts.

According to Jing Mo, Zhao Dezhong took the rhubarb back to Youzhuyuan after walking for less than half an hour.

Probably because Rhubarb was too docile, or out of trust in Jing Mo's words, Zhao Dezhong's fear disappeared little by little as he walked.

When he walked to the door, he happened to meet Gu Qinglan going out with Aman, and beside him was His Highness the Crown Prince who was full of resentment.

At the moment when he saw Zhao Dezhong, the resentment on his face changed from forbearance to almost completely visible with the word "resentment" written on his face.

Zhao Dezhong couldn't help trembling all over, walked to Jing Mo's side tremblingly, and said cautiously, "Your Highness, Rhubarb has eaten and drank enough and walked around the corner."

The man watched angrily as Rhubarb walked up to Gu Qinglan wagging his tail, holding his head up and waiting for the woman to touch her.

As the sun fell one by one, the light-yellow and dark-yellow hair seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help but hooked the corners of her lips, touched the rhubarb's fluffy but not soft hair with her fingers, and narrowed her eyes slightly as if enjoying it, and the smile on the corners of her lips became more and more real.

There is more and more resentment and resentment in the man's eyes, more and more seem to overflow.

Zhao Dezhong twitched his lips beside the man, thinking that His Highness the Crown Prince is getting more and more promising now, even eating the jealousy of a tiger, if he has the ability, go up and kick Rhubarb away.

"What are you thinking?" Perhaps the contempt in Zhao Dezhong's eyes became more and more obvious, the man's eyes narrowed, and his expression was almost carved out of the same mold as Rhubarb.

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

Why did you suddenly ask him.

"The slave thinks that Rhubarb is a tiger but flatters him like a puppy, and he feels ashamed of it."

"You're right." The man nodded and agreed after hearing this.

"Rhubarb has a good temper, Your Highness, don't let it be bullied." Gu Qinglan patted Rhubarb on the head and let him walk in front of Jing Mo.

Although he was unwilling, Da Huang still listened to her, and walked slowly, with only slow steps, he could almost clearly see the whole process of lifting and lowering his limbs.

Seeing this scene, Jing Mo was almost pissed off, thinking he wanted to take out this little goblin who seduced the princess?
Gu Qinglan covered her lips with a handkerchief, and coughed lightly.

Da Huang froze first, then walked to Jing Mo's side at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Qinglan blessed the body, and said with a smile, "So, today, Rhubarb will be taken care of by His Highness."

There are several days of spring hunting. On the first day, the prince of the current dynasty competes with the young lady of the family. If he wins the first prize, he will be rewarded by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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