Chapter 270 Awake
In the next three days, the emperor will hunt with the prince and the ministers together, which means that they are all pressed together, a piece of Wu Yaya.

This is called hunting on the surface, but in fact it is just a way to make the relationship between the monarch and his ministers appear more harmonious.

The rest of the time is for everyone to go hunting on their own if they have that intention, or to eat, drink and stroll around in the garden if they don't.

The wives drink tea and chat together, and then play leaf cards.

The boudoir lady and the unmarried son are still in the garden as they were on the first day, or holding a poetry meeting, or enjoying paintings, or having other fun.

Gu Qinglan was not interested in any of these, so she took Aman to Shen Shu's to see the beauties.

There are many beauties in the harem, and the wives of civil and military officials are also extremely beautiful.

The morning opens and the evening sets, so does the evening face.

The pale woman lying on the couch moved her fingers a few times and slowly opened her eyes.

Nian Xia happened to meet these deep eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

Then he hurriedly pushed and pushed Fudong who was still asleep, seeing her eyes open in confusion, he could only pinch the tender flesh on her arm, "Miss Yan is awake, hurry up and call the imperial physician."

Although Yan Yue was dissatisfied with the fact that the person who took care of her was able to fall asleep, but seeing Nian Xia's nervous appearance, she felt a little satisfied in her heart.

His Highness must have told them to take good care of her.

After Fu Dong quickly ran out, Yan Yue reluctantly lay half-lying on the bed with Nian Xia's support, and the wound felt severe pain just by moving like this.

The corners of her lips were sickly white, but she thought that the maid in front of her was arranged by Jing Mo for her, so she tried her best to softly ask, "Where is Your Highness now?"

Nian Xia looked a little embarrassed, she didn't know how to answer.

Not only was she not chosen by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to serve Miss Yan, but she was not a servant at first, just doing some rough work.

Who knew he would be sent here by Eunuch Zhao.

Originally, she was still thinking about why Eunuch Zhao gave her and Fudong such a good job, but after this night, she figured it out, it's not a good job, it's clearly a hot potato.

"Miss Yan, His Highness is currently hunting with the emperor and other ministers, and will not be back until noon."

As soon as Nian Xia said this, the expression on Yan Yue's face changed.

Could the hunt be more important than her life?
What's more, this time she really saved him once.

In such a long memory, such a life-saving grace can be remembered to this day, how can you not care about what happened just now?

"Girl, drink some water." Nian Xia didn't know what to say to alleviate the embarrassing situation, so she went to pour a glass of water.

With Nian Xia's hand, Yan Yue endured the pain, drank a small sip of water, and frowning asked Nian Xia to take the white water away.

She is used to drinking high-quality tea, but now the plain water is so tasteless that it cannot enter her mouth.

"Did your Highness stay up all night last night, guarding here, and only leaving in the daytime?" Yan Yue asked again.

Nian Xia looked even more embarrassed, she couldn't tell the truth, but she couldn't tell lies.

What's more, this girl will know sooner or later that His Highness never came to see her at all. It's meaningless for her to tell lies at this time, and it will be even more embarrassing after she exposes it.

"Your Highness is probably too busy, so he didn't come to see the girl."

(End of this chapter)

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