Chapter 271

Again and again, Nian Xia told a half-beautified truth.

But even if it is beautified, the meaning does not change.

From Ban Xia's words, Yan Yue easily caught a message.

Jing Mo didn't even come to see her.

The expression on Yan Yue's face was completely stiff, and the indifference in his eyes gradually turned into disbelief.

She struggled to pull out the pillow under her body and threw it under the couch, and said, "Impossible, it is impossible for His Highness not to come to see me."

After such a long time of planning, and this time he really almost confessed his life, how could he get such a result.

Nian Xia saw the terrifying expression on the woman's face, her heart was beating extremely fast, but she still tried her best to persuade her, "Although His Highness didn't come, the Crown Princess has come to see her."

It's fine if Nian Xia doesn't say this, but once she said this, the disbelief that Yan Yue still had in her heart turned into a deep-rooted hatred.

It's Gu Qinglan again, Gu Qinglan must have stopped His Highness, the Gu family is powerful there, even if His Highness wants to come and see her, he has to be wary of the Gu family who holds military power.

Damn bitch, she has everything, so why come to rob His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Now only His Royal Highness is left by her side, but she is still not let go. If she had known this, she should not have retreated to advance.

In Nian Xia, Yan Yue was the concubine of His Highness the Crown Prince who was about to enter the East Palace.

However, the Crown Princess, as the main concubine, lowered her figure to look at this humble concubine's room. Undoubtedly, this was Yan Yue's supreme honor as a concubine's room.

So she didn't expect that after saying this, Yan Yue's heart would become so twisted.

"Girl, the Crown Princess has already visited, so you can rest assured. These imperial physicians have followed the Crown Princess's orders and stayed here until dawn, before taking time to change clothes and wash."

When she heard that the imperial physician was listening to Gu Qinglan's words, Yan Yue didn't feel moved, but frightened and frightened.

These imperial physicians were not bought by Gu Qinglan and came to poison her, or they deliberately used bad medicine to hang themselves.

Just thinking about it, Fudong came in with the imperial physician.

Coincidentally, the one who came was the Imperial Physician Ji whom Jing Xuan had mentioned earlier.

He wasn't in charge of Yanyue's pulse, but the two imperial physicians who were in charge of Yanyue's pulse happened to go to take a bath and change clothes, and he was also idle, so he followed Fudong over to take a look.

After all, he was also curious about how people who were diagnosed as almost certain to die could wake up.

And not waking up that night, but waking up the next morning.

This is even more bizarre.

Although the two imperial physicians were young, they were not generally incompetent, so it was impossible for them to have such a big difference.

Or maybe this girl has a special physique. He had heard that she seemed to have cold syndrome in her body, and a person with cold syndrome could still wake up after receiving a sword in the mouth, which made him really curious.

If the girl doesn't mind, he would like to take some blood or flesh for research.

If this girl minds, Imperial Physician Ji frowned and pondered, then he would secretly take some blood and flesh for research.

As for the fact that this girl is the crown prince's sharpest concern, in the face of the peculiar pulse condition, Imperial Physician Ji decided to pretend that he didn't know.

Anyway, if he was really caught on the spot, he would say that he was researching a prescription for this girl that suited her body.

She has a cold body, and now she is seriously injured, so naturally it will take some time for this prescription to work out.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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