Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 274 Potential Explosion

Chapter 274 Potential Explosion
Taiji Ji's sharp knife twirled around his fingertips and landed on his palm. He wiped it carefully, then put the sharp knife away and put it in his pocket.

With a regretful face, "She herself said that she wanted to cure all her illnesses, so why don't I spend all my wealth?"

Fudong only knows that Ji Taiji is very famous in the palace for his medical skills, but he doesn't know where is this famous?
Hearing this, he was dubious.

Besides, after Yanyue ran out, she didn't have a direction, she just ran to a place where there was no one, and her heart was already oozing blood because of the extremely violent movements.

Nian Xia panted and chased after him, but couldn't catch up.

Nian Xia supported the tree with one hand and her stomach with the other, watching Yan Yue's figure gradually blur from her eyes until she could no longer see her.

With such a serious injury on her body, even if she was afraid of Doctor Ji's knife, and her potential burst out of fear for a moment, she wouldn't be able to run faster than a completely healthy person like her.

On the other side, Yue Yue has already determined that Ji Taiji was sent by Gu Qinglan, and Gu Qinglan must have ordered him to take out a knife to "kill her".

As soon as the scene changed, Jing Mo brought Rhubarb in front of everyone, and Kung Fu became the focus of the hunting platform in an instant.

Da Huang shook his body, glanced at everyone contemptuously, and then let out a low growl casually.

Jing Mo held the rein in his hand, looked at Rhubarb lying obediently at his feet, and yawned lazily from time to time.

Everyone retreated without a trace, Jing Mo was surrounded by several meters, and there was no one there.

He had no choice but to explain, "Rhubarb is docile and won't hurt anyone."

Jing Xuan ignored the obstruction of several people, and drove forward with some interest.

"This is really raised by you, why have I never heard of it?"

Jing Mo said in his heart, "Father, you haven't heard of it, I myself only found out last night.

"My son also wants to surprise father."

Mingming's words were also extremely gentle, but the expression on his face seemed necrotic, and there was no change in any way.

Jing Xuan curled his lips and said, "Surprise? I think it's more like a shock."

"Turn around and see for yourself, how my civil and military officials are frightened by your stuff."

As soon as Jing Xuan said this, it was difficult for everyone to live with it.

It's one thing to be afraid, but it's hard to maintain it if people expose the fact that they are afraid.

What's more, they hoped that in front of the emperor and prince, it would be the image of devoting themselves to death, instead of turning pale with fright.

"Weichen is either afraid, or he doesn't go out much recently, so his face looks a little pale."

"That's right, Weichen was born white, so he looked like he was frightened."

"It's the same with the minister."

"It's the same for my humble minister."


Hearing these words, Jing Mo turned his head to look. He felt that if these people's voices were not so trembling when they spoke, he could barely believe them.

The handsome face of Shen Zhao, who was at the back, was smeared with something, and it was completely dark.

He looked around vigilantly, and he was relieved to see that no one noticed him.

But looking at Jing Mo's feet, his eyes are full of envy.

His father had a mastiff that looked very mighty. It was brown and black, and it was almost taller than him when it stood up.

But this mastiff, for some reason, refused to let him touch it. It would bark when it got close, and bite when it got close, without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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