Chapter 275

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention, Shen Zhao quietly drove the horse to the vicinity of Jing Mo.

The four big characters of salivating are almost written directly on the face.

Probably because his gaze was very obvious among the avoiding crowd, so Jing Mo glanced subconsciously.

Looking at it this way, it was almost impossible to restrain the upward arc of the corners of her lips.

He suddenly said to the man beside him, "Uncle, why didn't Ah Zhao come to Xishan this time?"

The man somewhat similar to Shen Zhao touched his chin, and the drooling in his eyes fell on Rhubarb's body similarly.

This person is Shen Shu's elder brother, Shen Mo. He looked at Rhubarb and was extremely envious in his heart, "The minister's son who failed to live up to expectations made another mistake. In a fit of anger, the minister locked him up in the mansion and told him to return to the palace after the minister's return." I have written a few good articles before."

The two drove their horses side by side, while Rhubarb walked forward slowly with his head bowed beside him.

There are also a few people who want to go forward and have a word with the current crown prince and the future emperor, but they have no choice but to see that the horses under them are the same as their masters, and they can't stop trembling when they see the rhubarb.

In the end, I had to give up this idea.

Jing Mo glanced at Shen Zhao's black face, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "Ah Zhao is not too young now, it's not a solution to continue being so stubborn."

Under Shen Zhao's desperate eyes, Shen Mo nodded as if in agreement, "Your Highness is right, so I invited the strictest master in Beijing to take care of him for him."


The corners of Jing Mo's lips twitched slightly. For Shen Zhao, no matter how strict a teacher is, it would not be effective.

Shen Zhao almost hung his heart in mid-air, crumbling.

He thought about all the gods and Buddhas in his heart, and kept praying.

Jing Mo twirled the reins, raised his thick eyebrows lightly, "Uncle should know that this method may work for other people, but it doesn't have much effect on Ah Zhao, and it can even be said that it has no effect."

Hearing this, Shen Mo's complexion was as dark as ink like his name, "It's ashamed to say that he also read with His Highness as an accompanist, and he didn't learn a single thing from His Highness."

Shen Zhao with sharp ears: "..."

Blame him.

The prince has always liked to keep a straight face since he was a child, he just wanted to let the prince learn some lively and innocence of a child from him.

Who knows that he didn't learn anything.

Jing Mo's almost imperceptible eyes showed some satisfaction, he finally opened his mouth, and said what Shen Zhao was most worried about all the time, "Uncle, why bother so much, since Ah Zhao doesn't like reading, there's no point in forcing it all the time, and it might be counterproductive .”

"Uncle mentioned earlier that he wanted Ah Zhao to go to the army for training."

Seeing that Shen Mo's eyes were shining because of his words, Jing Mo continued.

"If uncle..."

Before he could finish his words, Shen Zhao suddenly howled loudly.

"This time, I will catch a pair of wild geese and give them to His Highness and the Crown Princess."

After saying these words without beginning or end, Shen Zhao whipped his horse quickly, behind him was a cloud of dust that blurred his vision due to the hooves of the horse.

Shen Zhao just painted his face black when he went out, but if you look carefully, you can still recognize it from the eyebrows and eyes.

Worried that his disguise would be recognized, so when he said about catching wild geese, Tete's eyebrows were cold, his expression was solemn, his face was almost wrinkled together, his mouth was crooked, not only could he not see his original appearance , looking a little silly.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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