Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 295 Poor, Weak and Helpless

Chapter 295 Poor, Weak and Helpless

"Your Highness, are your ears broken?" Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows lazily, not like the code words in the past, but now she is still speaking unabashedly.

Jing Mo put the robe on the table in front of Gu Qinglan indifferently, "I can hear you clearly."

"The princess wants Gu to act as the concubine who came to the private meeting, right?"

Gu Qinglan was slightly surprised, "Your Highness, why would you think that way? Of course what I'm talking about is the real concubine. You know the concubine, the one with the green hair on your highness's head, the kind that can run on snow."

The corners of Jing Mo's lips twitched slightly, and his eyelids trembled violently.

In order to discredit herself, the princess really tried her best.

He even said such a thing.

He is not angry, not angry, anyway, this is just lip service, it cannot be true.

"Of course Gu knows." The man leaned down, put his hands on the table, and got very close to her all of a sudden.

Gu Qinglan leaned back reflexively, "Since your Highness knows, why are you so close?"

"Although I know..." The man's eyes became more and more emotional, "The Crown Princess is joking, but it doesn't please Gu's ear."

If it’s not pleasing to the ear, it’s not pleasing to the ear, who cares about you.

With a sound of "baji", the man kissed the woman's delicate cheek heavily, and after seeing some light red marks on it, he backed away in satisfaction.

He casually caressed the embroidery on his robe, as if he wasn't the one who did that just now.

"It's comfortable now," he added.

On the table was a plate of sweet pickled plums. Gu Qinglan ate one, but the core was still in his mouth.

At this time, she bit the plum core in her mouth with a bang.

It was as if what was in the mouth was not the plum stone, but the flesh and blood of a man.

"This dress, how about the crown princess explaining it to Gu?" He paused, looking at the woman's cheek meaningfully, "If what the crown princess said doesn't please Gu, I can only find something that suits me by myself." Things are done."

Gu Qinglan gritted her teeth even more, wishing that Da Huang, who was lying next to her, would kill such a smelly and shameless man in one bite.

"The concubine's body is reserved for myself to wear."

The man's long and narrow eyes were curved, with extremely beautiful arcs.

"It turns out that the princess brought this dress here for Gu's sake. In this case, let Gu have a look at it tomorrow."

He seemed to have seen a red robe just now, but now it seems that it was probably brought by the Crown Princess.

Whether it is white or red, he is a little tangled up.

If it weren't for both, he would like white for half a day and red for half a day, he doesn't choose, he likes both.

Endurance to the extreme is an explosion.

Gu Qinglan smiled, very gentle, but Rhubarb, who had been lying on the ground, shook his ears, glanced at Gu Qinglan, then threw off his four legs and ran out quickly.

It was as if someone was chasing after it.

With a "pop", the woman slapped the table with her slender hand.

With sharp eyes, Jing Mo picked up the robe and a plate of pickled plums.

At the same time, a crack spread from the middle of the table at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then there was another "bang", and the table finally came to an end, split into two halves and fell to the ground.

The raised dust temporarily separated the two.

Jing Mo: "..." He seems to have gone too far. Although broth is important, if he really annoys the princess, he will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Poor, weak and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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