Chapter 296

Outside, Zhao Dezhong lowered his head and approached Rhubarb's ear, "Let's discuss, why don't you go in and see what's going on inside?"

Why is there such a big movement, it's frightening to death.

Rhubarb's ears moved, pretending not to hear, and walked outside, chewing a few bamboo leaves, without even looking at Zhao Dezhong.

Seeing this, Zhao Dezhong flicked the whisk in his hand, and muttered softly.

"Didn't you say that Rhubarb can understand human speech? Could it be that His Highness is framing me again."

Aman pressed her whole body against the door, breathing very carefully, for fear of attracting Dahuang's attention, she walked towards her.

Hearing Zhao Dezhong's words, she couldn't help rolling her eyes secretly in her heart.

She didn't know if Da Huang could understand human speech, but she knew that every time the princess called Da Huang, Da Huang would come over with a wagging tail.

But it's a look of indifference to others.

General Gu once volunteered to feed the rhubarb every day because he wanted to snatch it away.

In the end, more than a dozen pairs of pants were bitten into pieces, but General Gu never gave up.

It wasn't until the concubine sent the rhubarb to Xishan to let go that General Gu gave up this idea.

"Speaking of which, although rhubarb looks scary, it is really like what your highness said, with a very docile temperament." Zhao Dezhong leaned in front of Aman, and proudly showed off, "I took rhubarb for a walk this morning, and everyone's eyes were on full of worship."

Zhao Dezhong touched Fuchen with a smile on his face.

Aman ruthlessly punctured the illusion in Zhao Dezhong's heart.

"It's not that their eyes are full of admiration, but it's because Da Huang is afraid in his heart. Eunuch Zhao, you are a fox pretending to be a tiger."

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

Can't you leave him with a little fantasy, what do you have to do to burst this layer of bubbles.

Zhao Dezhong glanced at Aman sadly, and then put his ear on the window, trying to hear the movement inside.

The raised dust dissipated, and Jing Mo could clearly see the woman's indifferent expression, but behind this indifferent expression, endless anger seemed to be burning.

The man put the plate of pickled plums and his robe aside, looked at the ruins all over the ground, and fell silent.

At this time, he always has to say something to ease the current situation.

Otherwise, if the crown princess gets angry and slaps him, it will be bad.

At this time, Gu Qinglan somewhat recovered her senses. She brushed off the dust and sawdust on the corners of her clothes, and smiled sweetly at the man, "After all, the items in the Xishan Palace are not strong after a long time."

"The concubine just touched it lightly, and the table was split in two. It's really frightening." The woman stroked her heart with her slender hands, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was very scared.

Jing Mo looked at the ruins with a complicated expression. It was indeed split in the middle before, but when it fell to the ground, it shattered into pieces.

"What the princess said is very true. This object is old, and it is easy to break."

"However, the weather has been dry recently, and Gu always feels dry around his lips. What can I do?"

This is asking for a hush money, dry lips?
Gu Qinglan got up and poured a cup of tea, and handed it over.

The man didn't answer, but held her wrist with one hand, and he couldn't help rubbing her tender hand.

With Gu Qinglan's hand, he finished the cup of tea.

The tea is clear and has a slightly bitter aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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