Chapter 298
Sometimes she really doesn't understand, why bother to do this.

Could it be that after staying in Zhuangzi for a long time, his head is already filled with water, and he can still make a sound after shaking it?
If it wasn't for this, and she was so peaceful, she could still be welcomed into the East Palace. Wouldn't it be the winner of the palace fight if another special pet gave birth to a child in the future?

Thinking of this, Gu Qinglan's eyes couldn't help falling on the man's face.

She pinched her chin and admired it carefully.

His appearance is delicate and handsome yet appears rigid, his long and narrow eyes are always indifferent, only when he looks into the depths, will he find that there seems to be a burning flame inside, and inside the flame, there is an extremely beautiful light.

This is what attracted Gu Qinglan the most. People with bright eyes couldn't help but feel happy when they saw it.

A few random strands of long hair hung down on the forehead and fell to the sides. The wind blew past, and the long hair vaguely covered the expression in the man's eyes.

Sensing his sight, the man slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and raised his eyes to meet Gu Qinglan's.

There seems to be an endless sky and stars inside, and people can't help but immerse themselves in it when they see it, and they can't look away anymore.

This pair of eyes is indeed the most beautiful pair she has ever seen in her life.

Seemingly indifferent, but in fact it is as hot as fire, independent of the world, and the only one.

"Does it look good?" The man opened his lips and winked at her.

The extremely pure black eyes are bottomless, and the emotions are difficult to understand.

"Looks good." Gu Qinglan nodded honestly. There is no need for her to lie about such things.

It's just that this person is not the prince, if he is an ordinary person, she will trap him in Gu's mansion, build him the most exquisite house in the world, and hide him in it.

Although Gu Qinglan's gaze was a bit strange, Jing Mo still enjoyed it very much.

After all, there were really not many times when the princess looked at him seriously.

His dark eyes were filled with strong emotions, and he looked straight into Gu Qinglan's eyes, and he said slowly, "The world always pays attention to courtesy and reciprocity, and the princess should take a closer look at it alone. Put on that robe and let Gu take a look."

In an instant, Gu Qinglan lowered his head and bit a piece of rib very seriously.

I have to find a chance to hide these clothes so that this guy can't find them again.

Gu Qinglan originally wanted to wear this dress and use her identity as Mr. Qingzhu to make Sang Luo say something, but now that she thinks about it, this plan may have to be postponed.

"If you don't wear it, don't wear it. It won't be long before Gu's birthday. I just took this opportunity to ask for a birthday gift in advance, but I didn't expect the princess to be unwilling to fulfill Gu's little wish."

After speaking, the man sighed heavily.

Her beautiful eyes were full of disappointment, her face was sad, and she looked very pitiful.

The maids and eunuchs who were waiting around lowered their heads very low, their shoulders kept shrugging, and they could tell with a single glance that they were suppressing their smiles.

Gu Qinglan could imagine their expressions without even looking.

She had no choice but to say, "Since His Highness ordered it, it's fine for the concubine to wear it."

If I had known earlier, I should have sent all the people out for dinner.

"Prince Princess, you don't have to force yourself. I'm used to being disappointed." The man continued to push forward, "It seems that there is still a red one in the cabinet. birthday……"

(End of this chapter)

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