Chapter 299 Touch
Gu Qinglan: "..." His uncle's dog man.

No one can make her suffer, she must remember this time, and she will get it back ten times and a hundred times later.

"Since it's for His Highness's birthday, I can wear whatever His Highness wants to see my concubine wearing."

The man's eyes lit up, and he said, "Really?"

Gu Qinglan looked at him coldly, as if if you dare to say something you shouldn't say, I will kill you.

Jing Mo understood the threat, and his exquisite eyebrows and eyes narrowed in frustration, "Prince Princess is really the most understanding woman I've ever met."

Gu Qinglan didn't feel very happy after hearing this, but said coolly, "Why, have your Highness seen many women?"

Neither of them opened their mouths, and the air suddenly seemed to stagnate and no longer flow.

The maids and eunuchs subconsciously shrank back, not daring to look over.

The man chuckled lightly, with a clear voice, "Why does the princess' words sound so sour to me? Could it be that I'm jealous?"

"You go out first, don't come in without Gu's order." Jing Mo said to several people.

Like a prisoner who has received the imperial decree of amnesty, several people breathed a sigh of relief, but within a few seconds, they disappeared.

Just when Gu Qinglan thought the man was about to say something, he only looked at it meaningfully for a while, then took the tea cup slowly, and took a small sip.

The water color seems to coat the lips with a layer of light luster, which attracts people to taste.

With a "click", the man took out a square card from his pocket and pressed it on the table.

What overflowed from the fingers was bright gold.

The bony fingers moved slightly, and the square card was pushed in front of the woman.

Moving her finger away, Gu Qinglan clearly saw the four large characters above.

"Gold Medal to Avoid Death".

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" Gu Qinglan's expression was inexplicable.

What are you doing to give her the gold medal to avoid death?
"A gold medal for avoiding death is exchanged for Shen Zhao's chance to practice in the army."

She was even more puzzled by these words, the imperial decree is as big as the sky, even without this gold medal for avoiding death, it is impossible for her elder brother to refuse to accept Shen Zhao.

The man showed a bit of helplessness between his brows, and knocked on the table with his fingers, "It's not just because of Shen Zhao's matter, I only listened to the rumors outside, the Gu family's achievements are great..."

Speaking of this, Jing Mo raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Qinglan, seeing that her expression had not changed, he felt a little disappointed.

Continued, "This gold medal for avoiding death was bestowed by the emperor, firstly to ease the rumors from the outside world, and secondly, it is also to reassure the Gu family."

This death-free gold medal was actually obtained by Jing Mo himself.

Although Jing Xuan felt at ease with the Gu family, he was not at the point where he could bestow a gold medal for avoiding death.

The gold medal for avoiding death is precious, even if one day you do something to rebel against the dynasty, you can still save your life.

Jing Mo begged for nothing else, he just remembered what Gu Qinglan asked when he was visiting the garden that day.

"Will all the trees that are beautiful in the forest be destroyed by the wind?"

Thinking about it now, it was not unreasonable for her to have such worries in her heart.

It's because he didn't give her a sense of security enough. In this case, he gave her enough confidence to stop worrying and fearing.

Gu Qinglan stretched out her hand, touched it lightly with her slender, fair fingers, and then slowly stroked the words "Gold Medal for Freedom from Death".

It is impossible not to be touched, she is not stupid, Shen Zhao alone is not enough for the emperor to bestow this gold medal for avoiding death.

Unless, it was the man in front of me asking for it.

(End of this chapter)

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