Chapter 301 Good Sleep
At night, Jing Mo came here full of excitement, thinking that after the day's work, he could drink some broth.

At least, the dagger between the two can be removed.

Then he suddenly discovered that the dagger was indeed gone, replaced by a red tasseled spear.

Jing Mo: "..."

No, he shouldn't be so miserable.

Jing Mo didn't want to turn around, but when he stretched out his hand to grope, he could only touch a cold red tasseled spear.

He struggled to say something.

"How can there be a long gun here, so I will put it away."

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand.

But before the hand could touch the spear, the woman pressed the dagger on the spear and tilted her head to look at the man.

"Your Highness, don't you think that opening your eyes and seeing such a sharp weapon will make your heart happier?"

The man drooped his head in frustration because of her words, and then reluctantly lifted the quilt and lay down, wanting to take a look at her, but he was so wronged that he didn't have the guts to look up.

In the dark, after sensing the man's even breathing, Gu Qinglan turned sideways, with one hand half-hanging in the air, hesitated for a while before tucking the quilt away, she took off the dagger and spear and put them aside .

The man moved a little towards her as if aware of it, there was only a little gap between them.

Being so close, she could clearly see the long eyelashes on the man's eyes, and for no reason she remembered the stunning beauty in the man's eyes when he opened them.

His eyes subconsciously condensed on the man's lips.

In the past few days, he has done a lot of things that she did not expect. Looking closely now, the bite marks on his lips have not completely faded away.

Strangely enough, she wasn't disgusted by the unexpected.

Most of the emotions expressed were surprise.

She lifted her lips, gave a chuckle, and then retracted her body into the bed, only revealing a pair of clear eyes looking fixedly at the man's cheek.

After a while, she closed her eyes.

A good night's sleep.


The next day, Gu Qinglan didn't go out, but asked Aman to bring a long robe, and put it on lazily on her body, tied around her waist with a pure white palace sash, looking from a distance, she looked even more like a handsome young man.

Ever since Aman knew that Gu Qinglan was going to wear it for Jing Mo to see, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, she cheered up and fainted a little pink under Gu Qinglan's apricot eyes. rouge.

Coupled with the watery light that always fills the bottom of the eyes, this color seems to be caused by crying.

She was so charming, even the maids who were waiting on her side didn't dare to take a second look.

For fear of breaking the rules, I can't move my eyes.

There is a gold necklace on the jade neck, three huge oriental beads hang from the bottom end, and a longevity lock is hung under the middle oriental bead.

When walking, the bell on the longevity lock will also shake.

"What about others?"

Since I got up in the morning, I haven't seen anyone.

Aman pursed his lips and smiled quietly, "Is the princess missing His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that there is something to report in Beijing, and he will come to see the Crown Princess after finishing the matter."

Gu Qinglan didn't immediately become angry with embarrassment, nor did she feel guilty, but looked sideways at Aman's hand, "Why, your hand is completely healed?"

Aman: "..."

She really shouldn't talk too much.

"If you go back to the crown princess, after resting for a while, you are almost fine."

Aman didn't say anything to death, what if she said she was fully recovered and the princess would dig a hole for her again, what would happen.

(End of this chapter)

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