Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 302 Ginseng Soup

Chapter 302 Ginseng Soup
In the afternoon, Yan Yue ordered Nian Xia to stew ginseng soup, and even had to go to the dining room in the yard to watch the fire with Nian Xia's support.

Nian Xia has no doubts about this, she just thinks that Miss Yan is going to make ginseng soup for His Highness the Crown Prince herself, to show her heart.

As the sky was getting dark, Yan Yue looked at the cup of ginseng soup and sighed faintly.

"This Shentang Nianxia, ​​please help me take it there."

When Nian Xia heard this at first, she thought she had heard it wrong, but she quickly realized it.

"The girl has been watching the fire for most of the day. Naturally, she has to send it over with her own hands to show her heart. His Highness can understand the girl's painstaking efforts after seeing it."

Yan Yue was not moved by her words, but stood up with some difficulty, with a sad look in his eyes.

"You also know my identity. I don't deserve to go to Your Highness. If I don't get discovered, that's fine. If I'm discovered, His Highness and I will be scolded."

"It doesn't matter if I am scolded alone. If His Highness is notorious because of my relationship, wouldn't I be charged with a big crime?"

Nian Xia was in the palace and heard many rumors about this girl,

Thinking about it carefully, some sympathy could not help but appear in his eyes.

Fudong, who was wiping the table, raised his head quietly, "Miss Yan, why don't you let the servants deliver the ginseng soup this time, sister Nianxia is shy, and I'm afraid she can't fully express herself when she sees His Highness's clumsy tongue. Come out of the girl's mind."

Nian Xia looked over and met Fu Dong's eyes.

It's full of anticipation.

She immediately understood that Fudong was using this to seduce His Highness.

"She has a shy temper, but she does things properly. What should you do if you offend His Highness with carelessness?"

Nian Xia had no choice but to respond before Yan Yue could continue to scold Fu Dong, "I will send you this time, slave."

She bent her knees and looked down, not noticing the strange look on the face of the woman on the couch.

But after a while, another court lady brought a bowl of boiling medicine, which was prescribed by Imperial Physician Ji to recuperate Yan Yue's body.

It was quite effective, but after only drinking two bowls, the sickness on Yan Yue's face seemed to be much less.

When the medicine was colder, Yan Yue swallowed the bitterness in her mouth, her eyes were cold.

She had to find a way as soon as possible, either kill Sang Luo or save her, otherwise problems would always arise over time.

There is also this Imperial Physician Ji, who originally thought that he was just talking to His Highness the Crown Prince to show his excellent medical skills, but in fact he is a quack doctor.

But after taking these two bowls of medicine, she really felt warmth in her hands and feet.

Although the cold syndrome in her pulse is not real, but the state of cold hands and feet all year round and weak body is exactly the same as that of a person who has cold syndrome.

Otherwise, there would be so many imperial physicians in Beijing and many famous physicians that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince found, none of them would not have noticed a problem.

She absolutely can't let this cold syndrome be cured in the hands of Imperial Physician Ji.

Even if it is considered to be in good health, it is not now.

After Jing Mo was busy, he raised his eyes and looked outside, the sky was completely dark.

He supported his forehead, packed up the letters on the table, and then walked to the door.

Hearing the movement, Zhao Dezhong flicked his whisk, and said with a smile, "Is Your Highness going to the Crown Princess?"

Jing Mo raised his eyebrows, "Why are you so smart today?"

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

His eyes are not for display, even a blind man can feel His Royal Highness's support for the Crown Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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