Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 303 is really the chapter she said?

Chapter 303 Really What She Said?
Furthermore, in this Xishan Palace, where else can His Highness go except the Bamboo Courtyard of the Crown Princess.

This is the place where government affairs are handled, and they are all temporarily cleaned up by the palace people.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the door.

Zhao Dezhong walked over to look, and was taken aback when he saw someone.

Isn't this the person he arranged to take care of Miss Yan?How would it appear here?

Nian Xia forced a smile, "Grandpa Zhao, this is the ginseng soup that Miss Yan has personally watched over the fire for a long time, and she wants to nourish His Highness's body."

Zhao Dezhong was troubled when he heard the name Yan Yue.

Although he claimed to have been with His Highness the Crown Prince for a long time, and he knew something about His Highness's mind, but he was completely unable to understand His Highness's mind when it came to the matter of the girl Yan.

Whether he likes it or not, he can't decide.

But thinking about what His Highness did, Zhao Dezhong still stretched out his hand, "Since that's the case, I'll send this ginseng soup over."

Nian Xia did not pass the ginseng soup to him, but continued, "Young lady has something to say to His Highness the Crown Prince, but she couldn't say it herself, so she asked the slaves to come over, and asked Eunuch Zhao to tell His Highness the Crown Prince, can you please let me know?" The servants spoke these words in front of him."

The night wind in the mountains was extremely cold, and Nian Xia was only dressed as an ordinary court lady's servant, because she came out in a hurry and didn't add any clothes on her body, being blown by the night wind like this, her body trembled uncontrollably.

"Forget it." Zhao Dezhong sighed, "I'll explain it for you."

With drums beating in his heart, Zhao Dezhong repeated Nian Xia's words.

Jing Mo leaned against the door, his gaze fell not far away.

"Let her in."

Thinking that it might be a private conversation, Zhao Dezhong sent out all the eunuchs and maids guarding around him, and only himself guarded outside the door.

Nian Xia knelt on the ground, and she had placed the ginseng soup on the table in front of Jing Mo.

She didn't dare to raise her head to take a closer look, "The girl said that she hadn't seen His Highness for a long time, although she didn't say it directly, but she missed it very much in her heart, this ginseng soup is her heart."

There was steaming ginseng soup in hand, after a long time, his well-articulated and slender fingers landed on the soup pot, pouring out a cup.

Unknown emotions flickered in the long and narrow eyes, and the emotions seemed to be hidden in the deepest part of the heat.

He took a small sip before looking at the person kneeling on the ground.

"So, can we talk?" The man tapped his fingertips on the wooden table impatiently.

Nian Xia felt uneasy, but thinking of Miss Yan's words, she could only grit her teeth and speak.

"Miss Yan said that she is of a low status, and she is afraid that she is not worthy of the position of Feng Yi. Please also discuss it with the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, and give her an identity to live in the palace as you like."

"If His Highness finds it difficult, he is willing to spend his whole life in Zhuangzi."


Jing Mo frowned, fixed his eyes on the steaming ginseng soup, and asked, "It's really what she said?"

Nian Xia lowered her head very low, not daring to move, "It's absolutely true, slaves dare not lie."

When Miss Yan said these words to her, Nian Xia couldn't believe it.

But after thinking about it, if Miss Yan told His Highness the Crown Prince these words through her mouth, there would be no room for turning back.

So Miss Yan may be serious this time.

And Nian Xia also found a sufficient explanation for her behavior in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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