Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 333 Beautiful Red Bean

Chapter 333 Beautiful Red Bean

Only this time, Rhubarb was not tempted, but leaped with his strong hind legs, directly biting the fabric at the lower end of Lou Yan's robe.

Lou Yan's body fell from top to bottom uncontrollably, and finally fell to the ground with a "pop".

"Pfft", after a long time, he spat out the dirt in his mouth, and stood up with a dark face.

I wanted to give this tiger a slap, but I thought that Gu Qinglan was behind it, so I had no choice but to swallow the bitterness.

Aman moved slowly, hiding himself behind Xu Yu, seeing that Rhubarb couldn't see him, and then walked to the door in peace.

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess said that she wants to borrow Mr. Lou to go to Xiao's house."

Inside Jing Mo's expression was unpredictable, the finger holding the Langhao pen stopped, the ink dripped from the tip of the pen, and soon a large black cloud smudged on the rice paper.

"The Xiao family? But Xiao Rou?" He vaguely remembered that there was a girl named Xiao Er who was always crying in front of Qingqing, pretending to be pitiful.

Aman: "It's Miss Xiaorou, Miss Xiao. The Crown Princess heard that Mr. Lou has excellent medical skills, so I want to invite him to see how Miss Xiao's health is."

"Since the princess has opened her mouth, let Lou Yan take a look."

Jing Mo frowned, took out a clean piece of rice paper again, outlined with the tip of the pen, but only half a stick of incense, a beauty in a red cloak with a blushing complexion and blurred eyes appeared vividly under the tip of his pen.

Seriously waiting for the ink stains to be dried by the wind, he carefully inscribed his name on the lower left corner, rolled up the rice paper and put it in the wooden box.

"Zhao Dezhong." After drawing a picture, Jing Mo felt the depression in his heart dissipate a bit.

After finally taking out all the dried venison in his pocket, he coaxed Rhubarb away. Hearing Jing Mo's voice, he scrambled in and almost fell the hat on his head to the ground.

"The slave is here."

Jing Mo kept stroking the jade ring between his fingers, raised his eyes, "Go and find some red beans."

Hongdou and Nanguo know each other well, and he always has to do something so that Qingqing can always watch him, so as not to forget his heart.

"Ah?" Zhao Dezhong froze on the spot, wondering if he heard it wrong.

His Royal Highness wants red beans?
What do you want red beans for?Do you cook red bean soup?
"Is Gu's words hard to understand? Choose some beautiful red beans."

It’s fine if you want red beans, but you still want to choose beautiful ones?

Zhao Dezhong's head was full of confusion, even if he had been by Jing Mo's side for many years at this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

Once the red beans are cooked, who can tell whether they are beautiful or not.

"By the way, get some stronger needles and threads and beautiful beads like agate pearls."

Zhao Dezhong was frightened when he heard that, he was sewing and beading with red beans, agate and pearls, what on earth is His Highness the Crown Prince going to do.

"What are you still standing here for? Hurry up." Jing Mo said in a deep voice.

"Your servant obeys." Zhao Dezhong shook his whisk, his face full of sadness.

His Royal Highness has grown up, and he can no longer understand his mind at all.

What is this faint sadness all about.

Zhao Dezhong's work efficiency is naturally extremely high.

After a while, he used a wooden box bigger than his head to fill a box full of beads, which contained not only red bean agate pearls, but also very small beads polished from jadeite and Tianyu.

It looks fine and beautiful.

"Put it on the table, no one is allowed to come in without Gu's order."

(End of this chapter)

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