Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 334 Coincidence

Chapter 334 Coincidence
Coincidentally, Aman, Lou Yan and several guards just stepped into Xiao's house.

Then I heard the sound of throwing cups and roaring inside.

Lou Yan was so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind Ah Man, and said, "This Xiao Mansion sounds scary, why don't we put our things down and leave."

Aman didn't turn her head, but walked to the side, revealing Lou Yan who was hiding behind her, "Mr. Lou can leave as soon as he wants, and the maidservant will tell the princess every word."

Lou Yan's body froze, his face was embarrassing, the folding fan slapped lightly, and the hair on both sides of his forehead was blown up, "You girl, I was just joking with you, why should I tell Xiao ...the crown princess."

I always feel that his little junior sister's name is so smooth, there will be a day when he will reveal his secrets.

Aman stood in front of a servant, and said with a slight smile, "Please tell me that the Crown Princess is polite, and I want to give it to Second Miss Xiao."

The boy blushed, then turned around and quickly ran inside.

After a while, the scolding and roaring sound stopped abruptly.

Master Xiao, who was dressed in a black robe and had a serious face, came over.

Aman: "In the Xishan Crown Princess, I saw Miss Xiao Er who was knowledgeable, kind-hearted, and hit it off right away. After returning home, I wrote this letter and gave it to Miss Xiao Er. As for the brocade jewellery, it was regarded as a meeting gift for the two girls in the mansion. "

Master Xiao hurriedly bowed, "How can my little girl get such a generous gift from the Crown Princess, and I ask the girl to take these gifts back when she sees them."

It's really strange, if other people knew that the Crown Princess looked at her daughter differently, they would have been so happy, why would they talk with a straight face.

"It was bestowed by the Crown Princess. Even if it is taken back, Master Xiao should say it. The status of a servant is low, so how can he be the master of the Crown Princess."

"Furthermore, Second Miss Xiao learned the rules very well even though she was young. She is innocent and lively and knows how to be polite. The Crown Princess specially wrote down this "sensible and polite" words to Second Miss Xiao."

"As for these jewels and brocades, they belong to my daughter's family and are not worth anything."

Aman's words have come to this point, although Mr. Xiao is unwilling, he can only accept it.

"Miss Aman, are you here to find someone to save my sister?"

Hearing the commotion outside, Xiao Yan, who had been kneeling on the ground, ran out recklessly, and didn't stop until she was in front of Aman.

Aman raised his head, startled in his heart.

"Naughty girl, if you don't back down, there's no place for you to speak here."

Aman took Xiao Yan's hand, looked at Master Xiao, and said with a smile, "What is this, even if the second girl Xiao made a mistake, Master Xiao can just let her copy the book, why bother?"

On the girl's fair and tender cheek, there was a very deep slap mark.

Lord Xiao didn't want to say it at first, but he also remembered that the person in front of him was the eldest maid next to the princess, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Miss Aman doesn't know, my little girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child, if you don't teach me a lesson, it will be a disaster. "

The princess was right.

Aman patted Xiao Rou's hand to make her feel relieved.

"Master Xiao is probably joking. The Crown Princess said that Miss Xiao is very well-behaved, knowledgeable and reasonable, even among the noble ladies in the capital, she can be called the best."

"As for the fault, whether it is my own daughter or not, Mr. Xiao should investigate it clearly before he wants to teach her a lesson."

Aman looked at the young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face and a cane who was following behind Xiao Yan, his eyes turned cold.

"Miss Xiao Er is just young now, the Crown Princess means that she is not always constrained, learn those rules well, and don't lose her innocence and liveliness."

(End of this chapter)

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