Chapter 338
Obviously less than [-] years old, just like an extremely beautiful flower blooming with dewdrops.

However, the pulse condition was even weaker than that of the long-term sick old man, just like the dry river, the air was full of rotten breath.

"Miss, it's a good plan. The medicine for the whole day will be scattered in the yard outside soon after it's served. No wonder the yard has such a pungent smell before it gets close."

The heavy bed curtain was lifted, revealing a woman's face.

Somewhat similar to Xiao Yan, even though she was sick on the couch for a long time, the tenderness in her bones has not changed.

It's just that when she looked at him, the grayness in her eyes was extremely eye-catching.

She moved her body, it was clearly Chunri, and she was still holding a Tang Pozi in her hand.

The whole person is like a lifeless puppet, and his movements are all stiff.

"Young master should also know that these medicines are useless to me."

Lou Yan raised his eyebrows. Indeed, most of these medicines are for nourishing qi and blood, and they treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

It's just that such a disease that has been boiled out bit by bit, naturally needs to be cured bit by bit with medicine.

Illnesses come and go like a mountain, and go away like silk. This is always the truth.

"It's not wrong for a girl to feel sorry for herself, it's just that those who hurt you will not be sad because of your physical discomfort. On the contrary, the girl's own sister, who is the most innocent age in the daughter's family, will be sad because of the girl's illness." Running around looking for a doctor who can cure the girl's illness."

Xiao Rou pulled the corners of her lips weakly, "I'm the one who's sorry for Yan Yan."

Lou Yan chuckled, "Miss, you know that just now, the younger sister of the girl called off her engagement with her fiancé."

"Before rescinding the marriage, that man even insulted Miss Xiao Yan a few words."

Seeing Xiao Rou's eyes move slightly, Lou Yan decided to add a fire.

"As Miss Xiao Yan's elder sister, she should stand up and protect her at this moment."

"If it weren't for me and Aman being here today, Miss Xiao Yan might not be able to explain clearly in front of Master Xiao."

Xiao Rou knew her father well, and naturally knew his favoritism towards Ye Zheng.


Lou Yan: "Even if the girl doesn't think about herself, she should also think about Miss Xiao Yan. Miss Xiao Yan is young and has just divorced her marriage. It’s too late to regret.”

After saying these words, Lou Yan caressed the small characters at the bottom of the fan bone in boredom.

His expression was unprecedentedly gentle, and his eyes were bottomless.

I don't know how long it took before Xiao Rou exhaled slowly, "I want to cure this disease, does your lord have a good remedy?"

She felt unwilling and felt that all kinds of injustices in the world were unfair. She only cared about licking her wounds, but forgot that she still had family members who cared about her all the time.

"Naturally there is a good recipe, it depends on whether the girl is worthy or not."

At the gate of the yard, Xiao Yan anxiously looked inside.

Aman had no choice but to pat her hand and persuaded, "Miss Xiao Er, don't worry, although Mr. Lou looks young, but his medical skills are really good, and there will be a way to heal Miss Xiao."

Xiao Yan's face was slumped, her eye circles were slightly red, "I know about my sister's body, and many doctors told me that it happened in the past few years."

Hearing this, Aman couldn't say anything, so he sighed silently.

Fortunately, the Crown Princess had expected it, otherwise Miss Xiao's marriage would not be canceled today, and I don't know what kind of setbacks she would suffer in the future.

The slap marks on the fair cheeks are very obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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