Chapter 339
"Miss Xiao Er should apply some medicine first, if you don't pay attention to the wound on your face, it will be too late to regret it in the future."

Hearing Aman's words, Lord Xiao paused for a while while touching his bearded hand, his expression embarrassed.

The door was opened suddenly, and in the eyes of several people, Lou Yan walked out slowly, holding a piece of paper with wet ink stains in his hand.

Xiao Yan's eyes lit up, and she walked up to Lou Yan in a few steps, "Young Master Lou, can my sister's situation be cured?"

Lou Yan flicked the paper in his hand, "It's not good." After seeing Xiao Yan's face dim for a moment, he said again, "It's not incurable."

"You change her to an ordinary yard with flowers and grass. It's better to raise some living things she likes, such as rabbits, puppies and so on."

"Don't let her stay in the room all the time on weekdays. Let her come out when the weather is good. If the weather is bad, you, the younger sister, go over and talk to her more."

"Take this prescription for seven days. After seven days, I will come back to check the pulse. As for the usual meals, she can eat whatever she likes, and she must eat something that is a big tonic."


When they walked out of Xiao's mansion, the sun was just right, and the warm wind was blowing.

A few petals inadvertently fell on Lou Yan's shoulders along the wind.

He took a few steps, his fingers flicked on his shoulders, and the petals fell to the ground.

He hooked the corners of his lips, and tapped the fan lightly, "Little Aman, tell me, how did my junior sister become the princess?"

The corners of her lips curled up like a smile, but there was no smile in her eyes.

As soon as Aman heard the word "Little Aman", she trembled all over her body, she moved a little, and separated the distance between herself and Lou Yan.

"The crown princess was born in the Gu family, so becoming a crown princess was expected."

Lou Yan lowered his eyes to hide the complicated emotions in them.

"Anyway, we have known each other for many years, so we just keep it a secret, isn't it because we are afraid that poor friends like us will come to play the autumn wind?" Lou Yan said in a self-deprecating tone.

At this moment, Aman suddenly understood the reason why the princess did not tell them about her marriage to the East Palace.

They won't agree.

And they have the capital to disagree. If the genius doctor Gu came forward, the emperor and empress might not go their own way to welcome the daughter of the Gu family into the palace.

It's just that being in charge of the East Palace is the best choice for the first daughter of the Gu family.

A big tree attracts the wind, and it will attract criticism, but if the tree is so tall that no one can look up to it, then these criticisms will dissipate.

"Young Master Lou should know that Miss has her own reasons."

Lou Yan pulled the corner of his lips feebly, yes, of course he had his own reasons.

Living in this world, there are always many hardships. Little junior sister is like this, why is he not? Obviously hope is in front of him, but he has let it go again and again with his own hands, and he doesn't even dare to fight for it. .

"Tch", Lou Yan sneered suddenly, and knocked Aman's head heavily with a folding fan, "What are you doing so seriously, I'm just joking, my junior sister can marry into the East Palace, round up, I can also be called You can be regarded as a relative of the emperor, and it's too late to be happy."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Aman to return to him, he walked forward on his own.

The long hair behind her was blown up by the wind, and the strands of her hair were intertwined with the pea green dark pattern hairband, which was indescribably chic.

"Everything in the world is nothing more than a cloud in the end, and it will eventually dissipate, dissipate, that's all..."

(End of this chapter)

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