Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 343 Not realizing the seriousness of the matter

Chapter 343 Not realizing the seriousness of the matter

Lou Yan took out two gold leaves from the sachet and pushed them in front of the little eunuch, his tone was slightly slower, "Don't worry, I only need to know what the outsiders know, and you don't need to say anything else."

Thinking that he would be able to find out if he went around outside, and thinking about the two golden leaves, the little eunuch opened his mouth.

After half an hour.

Lou Yan broke off a corner of the table abruptly, a sneer continued to flow from his lips, and his eyes were extremely cold.

"Great, really great, is this when there is no one in the miracle doctor valley?"

Originally, he was still thinking that he was the prince of a country, and it would not be appropriate to have problems with his junior sister's food, so he would prepare two medicines for him later.

Now it seems that it is best to let him eat to death like this.

"Lou, Mr. Lou?" The little eunuch took a few steps back in fear, not even forgetting to take the two gold leaves on the table.

Lou Yan parted the corners of his lips, raised his angular chin slightly, "Go out."

The little lady listened to this and quickly turned around and left quickly.

With a "snap", the table beside Lou Yan's hand was finally crushed and shattered.

The air was filled with the aroma of wood, and the raised dust covered the boy's expression, making it impossible to see the emotion in his eyes.


In the study room, Jing Mo held a pen in his hand, and frowned slightly as he looked at the memorial on the low table.

This table was written to plead for Zhou Tianci overtly and secretly.

The reasons are pretty much the same, Taifu Zhou is old and hardworking, let him see if he can cancel the parade because his merits outweigh his faults.

Otherwise, the reputation of the future emperor's teacher will be damaged, and it will not be good for him, the prince.

Looking at the high-sounding reasons one after another listed above, the man laughed lowly with a cold sarcasm.

Hard work pays off, that's how it is.

If it wasn't for Zhou Tianci, he would not have known that there were so many civil and military people attached to the Zhou family.

"Your Highness, why don't you use some pastries, and you only ate a little for lunch. If this continues, your body will not be able to hold on."

Zhao Dezhong stood beside him with a bitter face, persuading him.

He was fine in the morning, but after entering the study and reading the memorial, his face became gloomy, and he looked very scary.

It would be great if the princess could come and take a look.

The Crown Princess holds a lot of weight in the heart of His Highness the Crown Prince, as long as he takes a look, His Highness the Crown Prince will surely dispel all his worries.

It's just this idea, he can only think about it extravagantly in his heart.

Just as his mind was running wild, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Zhao Dezhong's eyelids twitched violently, His Highness said today that no one is allowed to enter, and someone else touched His Highness's brow, which made him even more angry.

"Your Highness, the Crown Princess has brought meals." Fu Ran's voice came from outside.

Zhao Dezhong didn't care about Jing Mo's face, he hurriedly trot forward to open the door.

Laughed first, "Your Highness is thinking of the Crown Princess while inside, I didn't expect such a coincidence, just thinking of the Crown Princess and coming here."

Carrying the food box, Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, "Didn't it mean that His Highness is busy? Why do you still have time to tell you what's on your mind?"

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

He just wanted to use this to get some rewards, why is it so difficult?

"Although Your Highness didn't say it directly, the servant can see that His Highness treats the Crown Princess..."

"Ahem." Gu Qinglan lowered her throat and coughed twice, "Needless to say, this is a meal prepared by the palace for His Highness. You can watch him finish eating, and don't leave any more."

At this time, Jing Mo didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, he just straightened his hair in front of the bronze mirror, and then hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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