Chapter 344

"I still have something to do in the palace, so I'll leave first." After speaking, Gu Qinglan was about to hand over the food box in her hand.

With the savior at hand, how could Zhao Dezhong let him go.

He hurriedly said, "Since the Crown Princess made the meal herself, why not let the Crown Princess personally deliver it to Her Highness."

Before Gu Qinglan had time to answer, she saw behind Zhao Dezhong, a man stretched out his long fingers, and lifted him away noblely and casually.

Leaning against the door frame, she lazily raised her eyes, "Is the Crown Princess so worried when I hear the news that Gu has not eaten?"

Gu Qinglan: "Your Highness hasn't eaten yet?"

Jing Mo: "..."

So why on earth did he ask this question out of humiliation.

"The princess really likes duplicity. She clearly cares about Gu but deliberately acts like she doesn't care."

After finishing speaking, Jing Mo pulled the woman who was stunned by his words in at an extremely fast speed under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The loyal servant Zhao Dezhong closed the door, then stood in front of the door with his head held high.

No one can stop His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess from loving each other.

Gu Qinglan was not angry when she was forcibly pulled in, but blinked and put the food box on the low table.

"These are made by my concubine herself as His Royal Highness."

She opened the food box, revealing three dishes and one soup.

The bottom of the food box is kept warm with charcoal, so it is no different from taking it out now.

Hearing the four words made by himself, Jing Mo only felt that the annoyance he had just had because of the memorial disappeared in an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and there is a sense of style flowing between the eyebrows and eyes.


Outside the house, Aman stretched his head in fear, wanting to listen to the movement inside.

Just now in the dining room, I saw the princess making meals like that. Although the final meal was the same as usual, she always felt that something was wrong.

There is a saying that does not mean that gold and jade are outside, but inside is ruined. If the meal made by the princess looks normal on the surface, but the taste is very abnormal, wouldn't it be terrible.

Aman's strangeness caught Zhao Dezhong's attention, and he looked at her vigilantly, "Miss Aman, if you have nothing to do, you should go back first, the princess may not go back for a while."

Just as I was talking, there was a "bang" sound from inside.

It turned out that when Jing Mo was drinking the soup, his elbow accidentally touched the jade blue porcelain bottle behind it. Fortunately, the floor was covered with a velvet blanket, so it didn't fall to pieces.

The man's complexion was ugly, and an inconceivable color appeared in his eyes.

He looked at the spoon in his hand and a few vegetable leaves floating in the soup pot in shock.

Are you sure this taste is green vegetable tofu?
When did vegetable tofu soup become so salty?Is salt already falling from the sky without money?
"Why doesn't Your Highness drink?" Gu Qinglan picked up the jade blue porcelain bottle from the ground, and suddenly remembered something.

The warehouse key! ! !

No, she can't ask this matter so bluntly.

After all, she is not a greedy person for money.

...Even if it is, don't let the dog man know.

Jing Mo's whole body froze, he looked down at the soup cup, and then at Gu Qinglan, with mixed emotions, "I drank it, but Gu has never tasted such a delicious soup, so I can't help but want to savor it for a while."

Gu Qinglan: "Delicious?"

It's all vegetables and tofu, and she didn't add anything else, how delicious can it be?she tastes.

The corners of Jing Mo's eyes twitched slightly, "Yes, yes, it's extremely delicious, I wish I could write a few poems about it."

 Tomorrow's normal early morning update, if not slept in.

(End of this chapter)

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