Chapter 354
"What is your purpose?" Lou Yan took off all the gold needles on her body, and pulled a piece of veil to bind her wrist.

Lou Yan vaguely felt that these people's schemes behind the scenes involved more than he could have imagined.

"What I can tell you, I have already said everything. I can't say anything else." Sang Luo pulled the corners of his lips and smiled bitterly, "If Mr. Lou is not satisfied, then kill me."

Lou Yan picked up the folding fan on the ground, lowered his head and lowered his eyes, "I hope you will take care of yourself."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that the person walked not far away, Sang Luo couldn't help but ask, "Master Lou, can you tell Sang... Sang Sang, where is Mr. Qingzhu?"

Lou Yan didn't stop, just said, "The male rabbit's feet are straight, the female rabbit's eyes are blurred, and the two rabbits walk side by side. An can tell whether I am male or female."


On the carriage, Imperial Physician Ji touched the golden needle that came from Louyan, and was speechless for a while.

"I just wanted to show you the unusual things about this woman, but I didn't expect to make her spit out so many words."

"But Xiao Lou, don't worry, I only said that this woman uttered the truth to the old man, and she will definitely not confess you."

A candle was burning in the carriage, which looked extremely dim.

The young man's blushing brows became more and more enchanting, the corners of his lips curled up, and his eyes were dark, "Thank you, Imperial Physician Ji, for your kindness, but let's tell His Highness the Crown Prince in detail about this matter."

How can an imperial doctor who goes to the prison in the middle of the night to bear all this.

"Little Lou, you have to know that once you get involved, even if you are a divine doctor specially invited by His Royal Highness from the Valley of Divine Doctors, you will be in trouble."

"This person lives forever..." Lou Yan paused slightly, his expression light, "If it's always smooth and steady, wouldn't it be meaningless?"

Besides, he could feel that Sang Luo and the people behind her definitely wanted to deal with more than just Junior Sister.

To be more precise, it should not be the little junior sister.

They have these schemes, and they are probably only targeting the location of the little junior sister.


On a deeper level, it should be the Jing family.

Just now, there were a few words of Sang Luo that made him very concerned.

The prescription of the former dynasty is more than 300 years old. Do these people want to restore the former dynasty?

Such an idea may seem absurd at first glance, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully, and everything seems to be right.

Physician Ji was stunned for a long time after hearing Lou Yan's words, "If you think about it like this, it looks chic, but it will actually be very tiring."

It looks chic, but it will actually be very tiring.

Doctor Ji's words echoed in Lou Yan's mind over and over again.

The corners of his lips curled into a self-deprecating arc, "If you get used to it, you won't be tired anymore."


When he returned to his residence, Lou Yan did not lie down on the couch to sleep peacefully, and asked the little eunuch to bring spirits.

On the other hand, he was lying on the branch of the tree in the yard, drinking strong wine, and looking at the starry sky.

I don't know how long it took, a wine jar suddenly fell from the tree with a "crash", and some wine liquid fell on the soil and finally seeped in.

The boy on the tree turned over. Under the moonlight, his fair cheeks were stained with a thin layer of red from the spirits, his eyes were full of confusion, and he looked fixedly in one direction.

Suddenly, a few drops of rain fell from the sky. The young man raised his face and stretched out his hand. The light wind passed through the gap between his fingers, and nothing was taken away.

The rain wasn't too heavy, and it hit people's faces very gently. The boy didn't leave, but put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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