Chapter 355

When she woke up in the morning, Gu Qinglan looked angry, but her eyes fell on the man's neck with the utmost gentleness.

There hung a brass key on a thin red cord.

The ghost knows why this dog man hangs the key to the warehouse in such a conspicuous place.

It made her speak softly involuntarily.

"Your Highness is going to court today, and I'm afraid he will face many censures."

Zhou Tianci's parade in the streets is a foregone conclusion. Zhou Taifu, who has not been in court for a long time, will also come, and he must face a lot of tearful and snotty courtiers again.

The man held the white and slender hand that was tidying up his clothes, and smiled slightly, "As Qingqing said, kill one to make an example. They don't want the head of this job, so I don't need to keep it for them."

"My concubine will make some breakfast later, and wait for His Royal Highness to come down." Gu Qinglan stared at the key to the warehouse, feeling very greedy.

If only I could cheat this guy of a dozen keys to the storeroom...and bring them here.

But when Gu Qinglan said that he was going to have breakfast, Jing Mo's memory was instantly recalled, and he couldn't help but shuddered all over his body.

"No need, Qingqing's heart for me is clear, and I understand it in my heart."

"As for breakfast, if Qingqing worked so hard for me, I would feel distressed instead."

Seeing that the man's words were becoming more and more outrageous, Gu Qinglan took a few steps back, stretched out her hand expressionlessly, and grabbed the man's arm fiercely, "Your Highness, hurry up, you will lose the conversation if it is too late!" .”

After finishing speaking, he turned around without the slightest mercy and walked towards the inner room.

Zhao Dezhong unconsciously leaned back, just now he saw the action of the Crown Princess for real, he felt pain from that pinch, but His Highness didn't change his face, he couldn't see the pain at all.

"Let's go." The warmth on Jing Mo's face faded, and he said coldly to Zhao Dezhong.


Playing with a warm jade bead with her fingertips, Gu Qinglan rested her cheeks on her fingers, and her eyes touched the distance.

"Go and meet."

After a long time, she sighed softly.

After all, they were going to meet each other. From the moment she took out the miracle doctor's order, she should have expected what would happen today.

"Slave will make arrangements."

Aman lowered his head and slowly stepped back.

In the afternoon, Gu Qinglan passed a message to Jing Mo, asking Lou Yan to come to Lanfang Pavilion for consultation.

She originally thought that the man would not agree, maybe she would go through a lot of twists and turns, but she didn't expect that Zhao Dezhong would personally bring a message to ask someone to bring Lou Yan over, and Zhao Dezhong was standing not far outside Lanfang Pavilion.

In this way, no matter what, there will be no rumors.

The young man stood at the gate of Lanfang Pavilion, but didn't go in. He only looked up at the words "Lanfang Pavilion".

"Young Master Lou, the princess is already waiting inside." Seeing him stop, Aman couldn't help reminding him.

Lou Yan smiled slightly, and tapped the folding fan lightly on his hand, "Little Ah Man, I'm just fascinated by the surrounding scenery, so why not slow down?"

Rhubarb appeared out of nowhere, staring at Lou Yan.

If it wasn't for Zhao Dezhong holding dried venison in his hand to attract it, it might have rushed over directly.

"It's not too late to enjoy the scenery later, but the pulse of the princess is more important."

Lou Yan almost staggered in, a little impatient.

Aman curled his lips in disdain, and he didn't know where Mr. Lou had offended Da Huang. Every time he saw him, Da Huang rushed forward and opened his mouth to bite like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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