Chapter 356
Inside Lanfang Pavilion, Lou Yan looked up.

Gu Qinglan didn't dress up in an ordinary way, but put on a palace dress in a serious manner, and her hair was extremely luxurious.

Exquisite makeup complements the picturesque hibiscus face. There is a light pink peach blossom-shaped flower tint between the eyebrows, and a water drop-shaped ruby ​​is adorned above the flower tint.

"After a few years of separation, I never thought of seeing you again. I hardly recognize my junior sister."

There was no one around, so Lou Yan didn't follow the rules and directly pointed it out.

What he dislikes the most is hypocrisy and obedience, and he is not good at it either.

Gu Qinglan didn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

The second senior brother has not changed in the past two years, he is still so smug.

She took a closer look at it just now, and this guy definitely has his eyebrows and lips drawn.

She also put a light layer of rouge on her cheeks schemingly, and there was even a chain made of pearls around her waist, which swayed as she walked.

"After a few years, the second senior brother hasn't changed much, and he is still as beautiful as before."

If an ordinary man hears the words of beauty, he will probably feel a little bit uncomfortable, but Lou Yan is very comfortable.

The seriousness on his face eased a little, and he walked forward, "I thought it was impossible to hear the words Second Senior Brother from Junior Junior Sister again."

Just now when he came in, he saw Gu Qinglan dressed up to welcome him, and while he was stunned, he couldn't help feeling a little timid in his heart.

"I know, you have a lot of things to ask." Gu Qinglan stood up, pushed the cup of tea in hand to the other half, put her fingers on the edge of the table, and tapped lightly little by little.

The young man was stunned, and sat down helplessly, staring fixedly at the familiar yet unfamiliar face beside him.

He smiled and asked, "Little Junior Sister, is this because she is afraid that we will be related to you, and then we will do something wrong and ruin your reputation, so why don't you tell us about entering the palace?"

He dared to assert that apart from him not knowing about this matter, the elder brother must not know either.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the elder brother to just watch the girl he likes enter the palace.

Even if she used means she didn't like to take advantage of it, she would not give up the obsession in her heart.

In the final analysis, he and the elder brother are just people on the same road.

It's just that he gave up first, and he has long since lost the qualification to stand up.

"If I say so, will you agree? Will you let me enter the palace willingly?" Gu Qinglan asked seriously.

"will not."

If he knew, he would desperately do something that he never dared to do before.

Only now, things have become a foregone conclusion.

After a while, Gu Qinglan picked up the teacup, and her face gradually became blurred due to the hot air.

"Second senior brother, do you remember, when I said I wanted to go back to the capital, what was the reason?"

Lou Yan thought for a while, "You said that you have been away all these years and have no time to spend with your family, so you want to go back to the capital and stay for a few years."

"What if I said, I lied to you when I said this?"

"What do you mean?" Lou Yan lowered his voice, and upon closer inspection, his black and white pupils were bloodshot.

He didn't sleep almost all night yesterday, and it rained again, and his voice became hoarse.

"I went back to Beijing that year not because I missed my family, but because of the sacred will." Gu Qinglan took a sip of tea, frowned imperceptibly after feeling the bitterness, "Second senior brother, you should know, I am a daughter of the Gu family, and my father has a heavy army in the Jing family, so there is no other choice but to marry into the East Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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