Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 358 Relieve boredom

Chapter 358 Relieve boredom
"I was thinking, if Sangsang is dead, then who will guide Jingyu?"

Although the people guarding King An said that there was no change during this time.

But Gu Qinglan didn't think these people would give up such a good pawn.

If you want to fight against the Jing family, it is much better to be corrosive from the inside out than to fight recklessly from the outside in.

Needless to say, back then when Jing Xuan seized the throne, there were quite a few people in the court who supported him, but not too many.

After ascending to the throne, although he did not dispose of those who supported other princes, he did not reuse them.

If Jing Xuan's lineage has always been in control of the Jing family, then these people will always worry about their descendants.

Instead of worrying and fearing like this all the time, it is better to fight this time, and if you win, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth.

"Jing Yu? That King An?" Lou Yan pondered for a moment, then said, "The soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and there will always be a way."

"Besides, I don't think these people have much ability."

"Second Senior Brother, why did you say that?" Gu Qinglan bent her fingers and moved the tassels hanging on her shoulders.

"If they really had the power to subvert a country, they wouldn't use Jing Yu as a puppet, and it's impossible for the two of you to have never heard of their existence."

Lou Yan drank the rest of the tea and said, "At least, they don't have the power to fight Jing now. As for the future, I can't say for sure."

"That's it for today, if I stay any longer, I'm afraid you, a bunch of people outside the hall, will become suspicious."

Lou Yan stood up, eyes drooping, from Gu Qinglan's perspective, the corners of his lips slightly raised seemed a little lonely.

Gu Qinglan didn't say anything, but only looked into the distance, and was stunned for a long time.

"That's right." Halfway through the walk, Lou Yan suddenly turned around, "I wrote a letter to Elder Brother earlier, informing me of my coming to the capital, and it didn't take long for Elder Brother to come back."

"You should know, what kind of temper is Eldest Brother, if he finds out that you are marrying into the East Palace, he will definitely go crazy."

Youyou walked forward, the young man's voice was light and leisurely, "Well, I've already said this, as for what to do, you should think about it yourself, little junior sister."


Because of Lou Yan's last words, Gu Qinglan didn't smile for several days.

If it's just about marrying into the Eastern Palace, the elder brother will know it when he knows it.

What Gu Qinglan was worried about was that if the elder brother knew how Jing Mo had treated her before, he would send Jing Mo to heaven in a fit of anger.

In fact, she wasn't sad about those things at the time. A person she didn't care about could treat her no matter what.

If those things happened now, then she would probably be sad.

Gu Qinglan rubbed her hair a little irritably, and then buried her whole body in the soft pillow, her long messy crow-colored hair was scattered on the couch.

Through the window, she heard the patter of rain outside.

The weather has always been cloudy and rainy these past few days, and it makes people feel unmotivated just looking at it.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain the matter clearly to his elder brother, there was a sudden loud noise from outside.

After a while, Aman walked up to her with a bitter face.

"Prince Concubine, Zhao Dezhong brought a box of Buddhist scriptures just now, saying that His Royal Highness told you to be depressed recently, and asked you to copy Buddhist scriptures to relieve boredom."

Aman glanced at it quietly. There must be at least a hundred and eighty books in a box.

Now Lanfang Pavilion is getting lively.

(End of this chapter)

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