Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 359 A Box of Buddhist Sutras

Chapter 359 A Box of Buddhist Sutras
"A box of Buddhist scriptures?" Gu Qinglan didn't get angry like Aman wanted, but asked with some surprise.

If it was left before, she wouldn't say anything to give this box of Buddhist scriptures, at most she would boil a few pots of Qingxin lotus seed soup and pour it down for him.

But now, there are many things that men don't know.

Now that you know why you are giving away this box of Buddhist scriptures, do you want to scold me when you have nothing to do?

"I gonna go see."

The box had already been carried to the inner room, Gu Qinglan got up from the couch, took a coat casually and put it on her shoulders.

A mahogany box, bigger than usual clothes boxes.

"Zhao Dezhong is really, why didn't you leave the lock when you moved the box." Seeing Gu Qinglan touching the lock on the box, Aman couldn't help saying.

"Crown princess, wait a while, this servant will go to him to get the key..."

"Click", the copper lock fell in response.

"No, this lock is not strong, and it will fall off with a light touch."

Aman looked at the brand-new copper lock that fell on the ground, and fell into silence for a moment.

Even if it is nonsense, it has to be convincing.

With this lock, it is impossible for anyone to see that it is not strong.

The box was opened, and the slender and slender hands became whiter and whiter under the mahogany lining.

Gu Qinglan picked up a book at random, and her eyes froze the moment she saw the cover.

This is not a Buddhist scripture, this is clearly a new book.

She continued to flip through more than a dozen books, but none of them were Buddhist scriptures.

Give her a box of Chinese books by sending Buddhist scriptures.

At this moment, Gu Qinglan didn't know whether to be amused or moved.

Who gave him the idea, Zhao Dezhong?
No, Zhao Dezhong is not in the temperament to come up with such an idea.

Could it be that he came up with it himself?
"Crown Princess, there are a few books that I have been watching for a long time, but I haven't been able to buy them." Aman looked at them greedily, and couldn't help but want to reach out and pick them up.

With a "slap", Gu Qinglan stretched out her hand mercilessly and hit the back of Aman's hand.

The back of the fair hand instantly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Aman folded his hands aggrievedly, "Princess, what are you doing?"

"Cough", Gu Qinglan coughed twice with guilt, but her voice was still righteous, "It's easy to lose your mind when you read the scriptures, I'm doing this for your own good."

Aman looked even more aggrieved, "But the Crown Princess not only has a box of scriptures given by His Royal Highness, there are also several boxes in the Lanfang Pavilion, and even the boudoir of the Crown Princess of the Gu family."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

Anyway, no matter which book Ah Man reads, he just can't read what's in this box.

"I'll tell you what's inside after I finish reading it." Seeing the red mark on the back of Aman's hand, Gu Qinglan said, probably feeling a little guilty in her heart.

This can just exercise her ability to tell stories, maybe one day she can disguise herself as a storyteller when she goes out of the palace.

It will be famous all over the world.

Aman folded his arms and took two steps back, "My servant feels that what the Crown Princess said just now is very reasonable, and it is really easy to lose one's mind by reading the scriptures. This servant will definitely not read it in the future."

Gu Qinglan: "..." Why did she stop reading the story as soon as she told it? Are the stories she told so unpleasant?


After Sang Luo vomited out those things, Jing Mo's whole body was like a spinning top being whipped non-stop, spinning all the time, and he couldn't be free for a moment.

The behind-the-scenes pusher was hidden very deeply, and Wei Yu could only find out that there was a connection between Sang Luo and King An.

No matter how deep it is, it can't be found out for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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