Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 360 Time Sooner or Later

Chapter 360 Time Sooner or Later
Although there are a few students of Zhou Taifu in the court, it is too much for Zhou Taifu to call the law of parading, and although the state has state laws and the family has family rules, there are human feelings outside the law.

It was probably because they saw that Jing Xuan and Jing Mo didn't have red eyes because of their words, and they said words of forgiveness.

One of them boldly walked directly in front of a pillar, said something, then closed his eyes, and slammed straight towards the pillar.

What he didn't expect was that from the moment he said he was going to hit the pillar until he performed this action, neither the emperor sitting on the dragon chair nor His Royal Highness the crown prince who was hanging his head down did not stop him, and even didn't give him half a glance. .

The only ones who really stopped him were those who were on the same side as Taifu Zhou, and the rest were watching the excitement and howling, and even some were watching silently with cold eyes.

In the end, this farce ended with shooting the first bird.

Paraded the streets for three days, and never missed a single day.

Probably because Zhou Tianci did too much evil on weekdays, even with Zhou's servants following around the cage, Zhou Tianci's body was still covered with piles of cracked rotten eggs and rotten leaves.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ruoling, who was disguised in the crowd, smiled slightly with a slight smile on his lips.

He was originally an idiot, but now his reputation was completely ruined in front of everyone.

She didn't believe that under such circumstances, grandfather could still throw all his contacts and willingness on this trash.

"Miss, let's go back to the mansion first. There are so many people here, what if we get hurt?" The maid beside Zhou Ruoling looked at the crowd with vigilance.

Zhou Ruoling didn't care, "What's the matter, it's worth seeing my cousin like this, even if he gets squeezed and hurt."

Just as he was speaking, the man in front with a butcher's knife took two steps back suddenly.

The back heel directly stepped on Zhou Ruoling's foot, and the embroidered shoes were crushed.

Anyway, thinking that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhou Ruoling swallowed the cry that was about to reach her throat, and the maid hurriedly pushed the big man away with all her strength.

"Are you blind? Didn't see our lady behind."

The big man scratched his head, turned around awkwardly, and waved his hand holding the butcher's knife, "Look, I don't even have eyes in the back of my head."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss is not hurt."

Zhou Ruoling lowered her head, looking at the crushed embroidered shoes, the pain in her heart was ten times greater than the pain in her body.

The top of the embroidered shoe was inlaid with a high-quality jadeite. When the big man stepped on it, he stepped on the jadeite into three petals.

Zhou Ruoling forced a smile, but it couldn't reach her eyes, "It's okay, I didn't pay attention."

"Let's go."

Without waiting for the big man to say anything, he left with the help of the maid.

The maid was about to curse again, but when she saw the butcher's knife in the big man's hand, she involuntarily stopped speaking.

"Miss, should we go back to the mansion, or go to the place where the girl lives?"

Zhou Ruoling frowned, "Go back to the mansion and go to see what happened to Yan Yue. I'll wait until I have some free time in the next few days. If you're there, you can't run away."

Zhou Ruoling was proud of the pair of purple jade rings, and in her heart she regarded herself as a part of the Eastern Palace, to be precise, she regarded herself as the future princess.

After all, in her eyes, Gu Qinglan will definitely be abolished. It is only a matter of time before she ascends to the position of princess.

(End of this chapter)

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