Chapter 379

How did he say these words openly and without red face or heartbeat?

Gu Qinglan hooked her head curiously and looked behind the man.

It is said in the story book that some vixens can show their original shape when they are drunk.

She came to see if there was a tail.

It's just that a storybook is a storybook, and reality is reality.

Even though she looked very carefully, she couldn't see a tail there.

"What is Qingqing looking at?"

Gu Qinglan didn't answer directly, only a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, revealing a little bit of unpredictability.

She stretched out her hand, hooked the man's chin, and closed her eyes quite seductively.

When the man was about to bend down, the other hand pressed against his chest again, preventing him from continuing down.

She stood on tiptoe and leaned into his ear, "I don't know if Your Highness has heard that when people are drunk, they often forget what they have done after waking up."

Jing Mo had a bad intuition, and his eyelids twitched violently, "Qingqing, I'm already awake."

"No, His Highness is not sober, he is still drunk." The index finger covered the man's lips, and she couldn't help but miss the soft touch.

"Nice dream."

After finishing speaking, before the man could speak, she gave him a heavy knife on the back of his neck.

The man's body fell directly on top of her, and she pinched his cheek lightly, then picked him up and put him on the imperial concubine's couch beside him, covered him with a thin quilt, and then walked into the room.

If she wasn't prepared at all, how could she let him follow in with her.

It's just that if he feels that he is not allowed to come in, he will secretly open the window.

It would be better to agree directly, and then stun him.

Simple and clear, no questions asked.

The dense water vapor blurred the vision, opened the curtain, and saw a huge bathtub inside, which was more than enough to accommodate two people.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help turning her head to look at the position of the imperial concubine's couch.

Sure enough, it was the person who had been by his side all the time who could see his mind clearly.

Gu Qinglan looked at the red bean bracelet on her left wrist and chuckled, "I really don't know whether to say you are smart or stupid."

One way in front of outsiders, another way in front of her.

Poor, used to pretend to be pitiful.

But on the contrary, she likes this kind of thing very much.

She suddenly felt that the current self could not be a dignified and decent princess who was praised by outsiders as she said at the beginning.

Now, she really can't help feeling jealous because of the man's involvement with other women.

In this way, unlike her.

However, she felt that there was nothing wrong with herself like this.

Love is indeed an elusive thing.

White fingers untied the tie, and the long gown fell to the ground, revealing layers of gauze, and the woman's exquisite figure could be vaguely seen.

The steamed face was a little red, and she buried herself in the bottom of the water, and it took a while before she surfaced.

The long crow-colored hair was stained with water, and it fell wetly on Shengxue's skin. She put her hands on the bathtub, tilted her head, and looked at the imperial concubine's couch outside. A faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips without knowing it. .

It's a tenderness that she doesn't even know.


After bathing, it was already half an hour later.

Gu Qinglan put on her clothes, held a handkerchief in her hand, and wiped her wet hair carefully.

When his eyes touched the man on the couch, his brows were slightly frowned.

It is impossible to just put him here, otherwise he will definitely feel unwell when he wakes up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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