Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 380 It's Too Unfair

Chapter 380 It's Too Unfair
It's just that for a man who hasn't bathed before, she did that thing for him just now.


It's a bit disgusting, but I can't just throw people here like this.

Otherwise, another hand knife will wake people up?
Gu Qinglan leaned over and touched the back of the man's neck. It was so swollen that it seemed that half a bowl had been placed on it.

Accidentally, the strength was increased again.

If there is another hand knife, will he let him die directly?

Gu Qinglan stood in front of the imperial concubine's bed thinking for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of ​​slashing him awake with a knife.

Instead, he tore open the man's skirt and roughly wiped it with a handkerchief.

Finally, he picked up the person horizontally and walked out of the side hall.

The night sky was pitch black, dotted with stars, and the moon was gone.

Lying on the couch, she unconsciously touched the man's fingertips, and she realized something was wrong.

With this weak candle that was not extinguished, she discovered that the man's ten fingers all had marks of various sizes that had been pricked by needles.

After a long pause, she held his hand tightly and closed her eyes.

Maybe she should do something too.

Otherwise, it would be too unfair for this fool to always pay blindly.


Zhao Dezhong squatted outside all night, not daring to close his eyes.

Seeing that it was almost time, several maids were asked to prepare hot water.

On the other hand, he walked to the door with trembling legs, "Your Highness, it's almost time to go to court."

If not, he would never have come to bother His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess.

Gu Qinglan leaned her head on Jing Mo's shoulder, her eyes filled with bewilderment.

She said softly, "Let me just say that Your Highness is not feeling well today, so I will take a leave of absence."

"No need." Jing Mo squeezed his brows heavily, showing a tired look on his face.

"Political affairs are important and cannot be delayed."

How can there be any political affairs these days?Everything that should be settled has been settled, and there is unprecedented harmony in the court.

"If you don't feel well, you can take a leave of absence. It's just that it's nothing for a day, so why bother?"

The scene of last night emerged in his mind, and the corners of Jing Mo's lips twitched slightly.

He touched the back of his neck with his fingers, and helplessly helped his forehead after touching the half-bowl-sized swollen lump.

Compared to this, what he cared more about was how he returned to Lanfang Pavilion from the side hall yesterday.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Jing Mo knew that there was a high probability that he was brought back by Qingqing.

Seeing him touching the back of his neck, Gu Qinglan looked elsewhere guiltily.

"His Highness accidentally knocked on the threshold last night, that's why the back of his neck is like this."

The man followed her words and nodded, "Yes, yes, everything is as Qingqing said."

There is no longer indifference in the long and narrow eyes, but pampering visible to the naked eye.

Although he was uncomfortable because of the hangover and the neck injury, the man couldn't stop his smirk when he thought of giving away the red bean bracelet last night.

She grabbed his sleeve, blinked her eyes, and her long eyelashes cast a small shadow under her eyes, as if sweeping across his heart.

"Your health is important, so it doesn't matter if you take a vacation once."

It's just that if it's something else, Jing Mo must be nodding heavily at this moment.

You can go to court, but you can't.

He couldn't let those idlers who only knew how to make irresponsible remarks all day long take advantage of them.

After resting at the princess's place, he asked for leave and did not go to court.

Those who know, understand that he is unwell, those who don't know, think he is being hooked by the princess, so they can't go.

There are all kinds of things in this world, and sometimes it doesn't make sense.

It was obviously his fault, but in the end the fault would fall on Qingqing.

 Don’t delete ballball, what I wrote is not yellow at all, it’s very pure (^) crying

(End of this chapter)

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