Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 395 You Are The Pipa Player

Chapter 395 You Are The Pipa Player
Especially the matter of playing the pipa in front of everyone made Rufei feel a little strange.

Even if the Holy One and His Highness the Crown Prince were present, apart from these two, there were countless men present, and there were many unmarried young people.

It's not a singer or a dancer, nor is it a prostitute who shows her face outside, so she plays the pipa carelessly.

To put it mildly, it's called generosity, and to put it bluntly, it's shameless.

"Miss Zhou only sees the Crown Princess?"

Concubine Ru's tone was light, and there was some dissatisfaction in her eyes.

She herself is fine, the problem is that Yonghe is still standing not far away, this person just walked over so directly, Princess Jing, can she also ignore it?

It is said that the Zhou family has good rules, but in her opinion, it is nothing more than that, a waste of fame.

Zhou Ruoling lowered her eyes, looked at Rufei, and did not express any apology in her tone, she only smiled, "It turns out that the Crown Princess is too dazzling here, so that the courtiers can't see others."

Gu Qinglan was not surprised that she could say this.

She even suspected that Zhou Ruoling had deliberately learned the knowledge of throwing blame in the past ten years, so that no matter what happened, Zhou Ruoling could always put the blame on her.

This time it was good, not only could it be pushed on her, but it could also cause discord between her and Concubine Ru.

Concubine Ru sneered, pinching the teacup with her fingertips, the hot air made her vision gradually blurred.

"Miss Zhou has a clever mouth, and she is good at turning right from wrong into black and white."

Although Concubine Ru's current family background is not outstanding, her ancestors fought the world with the Jing family, so others may still have some scruples about Zhou Ruoling, but she is not afraid.

Zhou Ruoling's face froze slightly, and the maids and eunuchs following her were also in a hurry.

Just now in the Empress Dowager's Palace, when the girl heard that the Crown Princess was in the Imperial Garden, she ran out like a chicken blood, and they didn't stop them no matter what.

During this period of time, Zhou Ruoling was highly praised at home, and all good things were sent to her yard first for her to choose.

Therefore, she has not heard such blunt words for a long time.

"Yonghe knows you." Yonghe walked up to Rufei's side at some point, blinking his dark eyes.

Zhou Ruoling hooked the corners of her lips, "My daughter has met Princess Yonghe."

"You're the one who plays the pipa." Yong He scratched his head and thought for a long time before saying, "Although you don't speak well on the pipa, but...but..."

Yonghe couldn't help it for a long time, but he didn't say anything, and finally he had to look at Rufei for help.

The corner of Rufei's mouth couldn't help twitching, it came out of her stomach, she naturally knew what Yonghe was thinking.

Yonghe wanted to find an advantage in Zhou Ruoling to praise, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

In terms of pipa skills, Yonghe, the musician in the palace, has heard a lot of pipas. In terms of appearance, there are all stunning beauties in the harem, and Zhou Ruoling seems a little unremarkable among them.

"Have a sip of tea, we've been playing for a long time." Concubine Ru didn't think about giving Zhou Ruoling any face, and directly handed the tea cup to Yonghe's lips, watching her drink half of it before giving up.

Seeing Ru concubine mother and daughter humiliating herself like this, Zhou Ruoling's complexion completely sank.

Gu Qinglan knocked on the stone table with her fingers, "Miss Zhou is not copying Buddhist scriptures with the empress dowager, what are you doing here?"

She thought that this person would be restless, but she didn't expect to be so restless.

(End of this chapter)

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