Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 396 What's the truth?

Chapter 396 What's the truth?

"I heard that the Crown Princess is also paying respects to the Buddha recently, so my daughter-in-law wants to see the Crown Princess."

"Have you seen it?" Gu Qinglan's eyes were heavy, and she kept stroking the forbidden jade ring around her waist with her fingers.

"After seeing Ms. Zhou, it's time to leave. You take care of Ms. Zhou. Why don't you take good care of her? It's fine if you meet me today, so what if you bump into a nobleman in the future?"

The second half of the sentence was obviously addressed to the court lady and eunuch behind Zhou Ruoling.

Probably because she had seen Gu Qinglan's attitude towards her a few times before, Zhou Ruoling's face became softer, "My daughter just wants to learn Buddhist principles from the Crown Princess, does the Crown Princess really want to reject my daughter?"

"My palace is dull and doesn't understand Buddhism. Since Miss Zhou is devoted to studying Buddhism, I will send someone to send a letter to the eminent monk of Jue'en Temple, or maybe Miss Zhou can lead her to practice and devote herself to practicing Buddhism."

Gu Qinglan's tone paused slightly, and her eyes turned to Zhou Ruoling's extremely high bun, "Although the body, hair and skin are all from her parents, if Miss Zhou really loves studying Buddhism so much, it's okay to shave her hair."

Concubine Ru: "..." Her worry was really wrong.

Even without her present, Zhou Ruoling could not bully the Crown Princess.

Without waiting for Zhou Ruoling to answer, Gu Qinglan frowned and said coldly, "What are you doing in a daze, Miss Zhou wants to copy the Buddhist scriptures sincerely, what if the turbidity outside makes her mind also tainted with turbidity?" it is good?"

The two maids in the back gritted their teeth and looked at each other. Now Zhou Ruoling's two sides are almost dragging people away.

Being able to have such a tacit understanding and proficiency probably has something to do with the previous Jiang Yueru.

"Look, this is also a coquettish girl." Concubine Ru looked at Zhou Ruoling's leaving back, "Don't blame me for speaking badly, such a woman is used to pretending to be weak, and this is what men do."

Thinking of Jing Mo's words, Gu Qinglan fell into silence.

She felt that he should not be included in men who were weak.

Before leaving, Concubine Ru hesitated to speak, and finally said, "Although I know that you and His Highness the Crown Prince are very affectionate, you still have to cover it up outside."

Gu Qinglan only felt more confused, she wanted to ask Concubine Ru just now, why did she have such a good relationship with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Concubine Ru nodded her neck, smiling deeply, "Yonghe was sweating from playing around, I took her and Yuanyuan back first."

When the person left, Gu Qinglan turned his head to the maid at the side and asked, "Is there anything wrong with my palace today?"

"If you go back to the crown princess, the servants will not be able to see it."

Hearing this, Gu Qinglan had no choice but to stand up and walk towards the East Palace.

In Lanfang Pavilion, the man sat cross-legged on the blanket, reading Buddhist scriptures while trying his best to suppress the drowsiness that constantly emerged in his body.

Gu Qinglan put her hand on the door and looked at the scene inside with raised eyebrows.

"Your Highness, have you already enlightened?"

Jing Mo, who had just closed his eyelids, shuddered unconsciously, "Yes... no... yes, Gu has already enlightened."

Gu Qinglan walked to the inner room, sat down in front of the dressing table with her back to the man, took the bronze mirror and carefully looked at the makeup on her face.

"Since you have gained enlightenment, how about His Highness explaining to this concubine what truth is said in this Buddhist scripture?"

From the corner of the eye, Gu Qinglan's fingers holding the bronze mirror completely froze.

The man didn't notice that something was wrong with her, he just frowned in distress and wanted to make up a reason on the spot.

 I have caught a cold for the past two days, the update will be released regularly, and I will correct the typo when I wake up, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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