Chapter 399

Gu Qinglan's complexion did not change, she was still gentle, "Okay, eat, eat as much as you want, let Brother Mo eat as much as you want today."

Jing Mo was a little confused for a moment, why did he feel that something was wrong.

It seemed that his question and Qingqing's answer were not quite right.

Gu Qinglan walked in front of him, her bright red lips slightly curled up, "Don't worry, brother Mo can eat as much meat as he wants."

After saying that, she quickly took the warehouse key from the man's palm.

Then he walked outside the door and looked at Aman who stretched his head to listen to the movement inside.

"What did you hear?"

Aman didn't realize that the person had come out, so he frowned immediately, "No, don't talk, you won't be able to hear the movement inside."

The two surrounding maids who were guarding outside together shivered.

After Aman said those words, she realized instantly, she turned around, her body stiffened nervously, "Princess, Crown Princess."

"Go to the dining room and order a table full of meat. There must be a lot of meat, do you hear me?"

"An all-meat feast for dinner?" Aman wondered if he heard it wrong.

"That's right, a whole meat feast, chicken, duck, pig and goose, roast lamb and stewed beef, a little bit of everything."

She told him to eat as much meat as she could, so she would naturally keep her promise.

That night, Jing Mo went to Lanfang Pavilion for dinner, and when he saw a table of dishes, he looked at Gu Qinglan in confusion.

He took two steps back and looked at the sky, yes, it was night.

Then he grabbed the flesh on his arm fiercely, making him want to grin his teeth and cry out in pain. The feeling told him that this was not a dream, but something that actually happened in front of him.

He asked uncertainly, "Is today a special day?"

For example, the days when you can only eat meat.

But he has never heard of such a special custom until now.

Gu Qinglan raised her lips and smiled, her bright face was very dazzling in the candlelight.

Jing Mo unconsciously followed with a foolish smile.

"Brother Mo wants to eat meat, eat big, eat as much as you can, and eat with your stomach open."

The smile on Jing Mo's face gradually froze, and finally broke and disappeared.

It turned out to be waiting for him here.

He said, how could Qingqing agree so readily.

"Qingqing, to be a human being is not only to keep your promises, but also to be reasonable."

Did he just exchange the key to the warehouse for this table full of meat feast?

No matter what, I have to give him some broth and some meat.

"Oh?" The woman elongated her voice, and her eyes touched the man's body, revealing something meaningful, "Brother Mo, you know, I have very strong hands recently, and I often can't control them."

After finishing speaking, the bamboo chopsticks in her hand broke with a crisp sound.

At the same time, the man also felt an unknown pain coming from somewhere in his body.

He still wanted to die, so he said again, "The meat I'm talking about is about the bed, not real meat."

"Ah!" Gu Qinglan exclaimed, blinking her eyes innocently, "But I thought the meat in Brother Mo's mouth meant a feast of meat."

"Besides, Brother Mo thinks my arrangement is wrong?" Gu Qinglan took out the veil and gently wiped away the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes.

"It turns out that in Brother Mo's eyes, I can't do anything well."

The singing and writing are excellent, and there are many songs to cry.

Jing Mo: "..." He stroked his fingers, what exactly did he say just now to attract Qingqing to sing a big show here.

(End of this chapter)

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