Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 400 You Can't Believe Often

Chapter 400 You Can't Believe Often

"Qingqing, I actually..."

"Woooooo..." The woman suddenly covered her cheeks with both hands, whimpering softly, and the handkerchief slipped from her fingers and fell to the ground, with beautiful purple irises embroidered on it.

Jing Mo: "..."

Is he going to repent at this time?But the question is, what did he do wrong?
Seeing Gu Qinglan reaching out to pinch her thigh, the corners of Jing Mo's mouth twitched slightly, but at the same time he hurriedly reached out to block it.

"Hiss", the strike is really heavy.

Gu Qinglan quietly opened her eyes from between the fingers of one hand, and looked at the situation in front of her.

Why didn't it hurt at all when I pinched this time, could it be that what happened now was just a dream?
Faced with the man's grinning and delicate face, Gu Qinglan stopped crying, and looked left and right at the sky and the earth a little embarrassingly, but didn't look at him.

"Okay, just don't touch it, let's eat."

After a long time, the man pulled the corners of his lips lightly, revealing a smile, and his eyes were full of teasing and doting.

However, when it was time to go to bed, Jing Mo told Gu Qinglan with practical actions.

Men's words are often untrustworthy.

Especially... about the bed.

She tightly grasped the bed curtain with her slender hands, her face was blushing, and finally turned around and buried herself in the pillow.

She could only hear gasps, one sound after another, and her whole body was burning hot.


Gu's martial arts training platform, the man in black brushed the red tassel on the long spear in his hand, and finally pulled it out decisively, and came towards Louyan under the martial arts training platform with a piercing look.

Lou Yan didn't move, the long hair on both sides was blown up by the wind, revealing a delicate face with a feminine face, the tip of the gun was only a hair's breadth away from his eyes.

The handle of the fan blocked the tip of the gun, preventing it from advancing.

"Excellent marksmanship, it seems that in the past two years that I haven't seen him, the senior brother has not neglected his martial arts, but I have been lazy for a long time." Lou Yan raised his eyebrows and sighed softly. After going to the Xiaochun Tower, the big brother with a face became more and more like an ice lump.

"It's not that I practice hard, but that you have been lazy for a long time."

Xie Rongci put down the spear and flew down.

Lou Yan showed embarrassment, and rolled his eyes, "Eldest brother also knows that I am usually obsessed with studying medical skills, and I have no interest in martial arts."

Xie Rongci wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said coldly, "You have offended many people with your reputation as a ghost doctor. If they know your appearance, even if you have the ability to save your life, it won't be worth ten or a hundred times. assassination."

Since Lou Yan put on the mask and gained the title of Ghost Doctor.

There may be hundreds if not thousands of offenders.

It is normal for the capable doctors to have some hobbies, but Lou Yan's standard of treatment is to see his mood.

If it was windy and rainy, he was in a bad mood, even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu invited him, he would not go.

"Elder brother, don't worry, how could outsiders know that the ghost doctor has such an alluring appearance." Lou Yan raised his chin complacently.

Furthermore, even if he knew, so what, he had been hiding in the valley not long ago, and the formations outside the valley could be changed at any time, so it was absolutely impossible for him not to be a genius doctor in the valley.

Hearing the words "Qing Guo Qing Cheng", Xie Rongci's face froze for a while, and then he looked over with indifferent eyes.

Seeing such gazes, Lou Yan only felt that he was suddenly in a world of ice and snow, and subconsciously shivered all over his body.

"You are not young anymore, what kind of nonsense do you talk all day long?" Xie Rongci said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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