Chapter 401 I got it

Although the words were accusations, they were inexplicably familiar and nostalgic to Lou Yan's ears.

The elder brother should be about the same age as him, but because the master is unreliable, he and the younger junior sister were almost brought up by the elder brother.

Thinking of Junior Sister, Lou Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The two sat in a pavilion with a pond full of koi in front of them.

The fat koi swam forward slowly, turning over with difficulty from time to time.

Caressing the teacup with his fingers, looking at the crystal clear tea inside, he took a sip, the tea was bitter, and his heart seemed to bring some bitterness along with it.

"Brother, you have been traveling all the way, have you ever heard about the Crown Princess?"

"I heard, what's the matter?" Xie Rongci's heart skipped a beat, feeling uneasy.

"The Gu family has only one daughter and no side branches."

Gu Yang didn't have any family background before, and he got to this position by relying on his own hands, so his position is even more unshakable.

Jing Xuan believed in him, not necessarily without this reason.

A general without many connections, or a general born in a noble family, who is more loyal can be seen at a glance.

The former only needs to deal with the royal family, while the latter needs to consider the entire family.

Xie Rongci clenched his fingers tightly, and there were red and white marks on the part of the skin that he was exerting force on, "What do you mean by that?"

Lou Yan also smiled wryly, "The meaning of what I said is obvious, senior brother, you should know."

As if dozens of needles were stuck in his brain, Xie Rongci stroked his forehead, his body couldn't help shaking.

At the same time, the dreams he had in the past few days suddenly appeared in his mind.

All perceptions, all scenes, seem to be real.

The lively crowd, the music that makes people happy just listening to it, the red eyes, and the little junior sisters wearing wedding dresses sitting in the wedding sedan chair.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Lou Yan hurriedly got up to support him, put his fingers on his veins, and frowned, "Brother, what's the matter with your body?"

Why is the pulse condition so chaotic?
Xie Rongci opened his eyes, different from the coldness of the past, when he looked closely, he could see a little panic in it.

His mouth was astringent, and he asked a little helplessly, "What you said just now, is it true? Has my junior sister married into the Eastern Palace?"

Probably because of those dreams, the shock in Xie Rongci's heart at the moment is not too much.

It's just that the whole person seems to be immersed in the soup boiled with Coptis flavescens, sad to despair.

Even if he doesn't say it today, the big brother will know in the future.

Lou Yan approached Xie Rongci with such thoughts.

Because he thought, when he was around, he could still persuade him.

Although he hated that dog prince, he had to admit that he was very kind to his junior sister.

Whether it's out of fear of the Gu family or out of sincerity, no matter which of these two reasons, the little junior sister will not be hurt.

The former dare not, and the latter is reluctant.

"Eldest brother, in fact, my junior sister didn't tell us, and she also has her considerations."

When Lou Yan said this, it was equivalent to giving Xie Rongci an accurate answer.

The little junior sister he grew up with was really married, or married into the deep palace.

"She... how is she now... have you gone to see her?" Xie Rongci tried his best to maintain his composure, holding the teacup in his hand, with a "click", the teacup shattered.

The tea wetted the clothes, and the fragments of the teacup were tightly held in the palm, and soon, there was a faint red in the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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