Chapter 402
"If she had a bad time, I wouldn't stand here and talk to you so lightly."

In the final analysis, they are just poor people who feel sorry for each other.

Maybe he is better, because he knew the answer many years ago, and he died of that heart early.

Lou Yan frowned and simply bandaged the wound on Xie Rongci's hand with a handkerchief.

"Actually, you and I also know that it is impossible for a daughter of the Gu family to simply marry an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people." Xie Rongci repeated these words in a low voice, "If I'm not an ordinary person, would my junior sister marry me?"

Although both of them had such thoughts, they both covered them tightly. It was the first time that they said it directly.

Lou Yan wiped off the blood on his hands, sat down and looked at the sluggish koi in the pond, "I have seen a lot of women's admiration for men over the years, and I have never seen it on the face of my junior sister before."

Lou Yan paused, and then continued with some reluctance, "Now, when she mentions that man, although she doesn't say anything, the emotion in her eyes can't be deceived. She likes him."

Maybe a lot more than he said he liked it.

"I asked you to come and tell you this, just to let you give up the thoughts in your heart." Lou Yan said with a teasing smile, "There is a saying, there is no grass in the end of the world, why bother to love a single flower. "

"Why don't senior brother join me and be a prodigal son who lives among the flowers without touching his body?"

Although she was angry because she didn't tell him about the marriage, Lou Yan still wanted to help her.

The younger junior sister is the one who values ​​friendship the most, if he knows what the senior brother has done because of her, he will probably feel uneasy for the rest of his life.

Xie Rongci, on the other hand, seemed to be an immobile puppet, staring blankly at the wound in his hand.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "Do you think, if I have the power to make my junior sister marry me, will she marry me?"

He seemed to have completely blocked Lou Yan's words, immersed in his own world.

Lou Yan looked at him suspiciously, with a worried brow, "No." He replied firmly.

"Having been together for so many years, it's not that you don't understand her temperament. No one can touch the person she wants to protect. If she moves, the only thing that will end up is death."

"Eldest brother, don't make it difficult for her. She can't choose between two people she cares about." Lou Yan raised her head and closed her eyes slowly, "I like this kind of thing, and there is never any preference."

So it turned out that his dreams were not illusory.

Xie Rongci covered his face.Laughed under his breath.

It's just that there's no joy in the laughter, it's full of sadness.

Are those dreams heralding his future choices?
The things in the dream will come true one by one. If he really walks away like a dream in the future, what will happen to him in the end?
Suddenly, with a pain in his heart, Xie Rongci stroked his heart with his hands, and a few fragments emerged in his mind.

In the bone-piercing snow, he half-kneeled on the ground, his heart was pierced by a long sword, and his fingers caressed the ground unconsciously.

In front of him, the woman's long hair was blown back by the wind, her face was icy cold, and her eyes were expressionless.


Lou Yan hadn't heard such a title for a long time, and Lou Yan was stunned for a long time.

"If I destroy the peaceful residence of the common people and the peace of the world, will Junior Sister kill me?"

Lou Yan's pupils narrowed sharply, and his brows were furrowed, "What nonsense are you talking about? You have always held a sword to save people, and you know the righteousness. How could you ruin the peace of the people living in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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