Chapter 403
"Brother, did you hide something from me?"

Lou Yan felt that something was wrong, but in two years, even if his temperament changed drastically, it would not be so.

Moreover, he secretly felt that this was not a hypothesis.

"Regardless of other things, you just say whether she will or won't?" Xie Rongci lowered his eyes, the twilight darkened.

In fact, he didn't need to ask, and Lou Yan didn't need to answer, he knew the result.

I just want someone to wake up the little hope in his mind and tell him that all the dreams turned out to be real.

Lou Yan didn't answer directly, but said another way, "Little Junior Sister was born in the Gu family, and his father devoted almost his whole life to the frontier battlefield. Although he is resting at home, raising flowers and playing birds seems to be very leisurely on the surface. But his body has long been indelibly scarred by years of fighting."

"Even if the master is here, he can only prescribe some relieving medicine, and it cannot cure the injury in his body."

"And now, her elder brother has inherited his father's will and continues to guard this land."

Lou Yan raised his eyes and said every word very seriously, "Eldest brother, such a junior sister, not to mention you, even if the master did something that violated the peace of the world and the people's livelihood, the junior sister would kill him." .”

Lou Yan didn't know why Xie Rongci asked this question for no reason, he could only try his best to answer from his own perspective.

"I was thinking too much." After a while, Xie Rongci stood up and walked outside the pavilion, "Ayan, don't worry, I won't hurt her."

How can I be willing?
Even if I knew that dream would happen, the only person I would hurt was myself, nothing more.

Lou Yan suddenly felt bad, and frowned, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Tomorrow, I want to visit Master Xuyun."

"Master Xuyun of Jue'en Temple?" Lou Yan hesitated for a while, then continued, "I'll accompany you."

"No, I can go alone." Xie Rongci flatly refused, his face seemed to have returned to the previous coldness.

Lou Yan showed a cynical smile, and tapped on the folding fan, "Coincidentally, I also want to go to Jue'en Temple tomorrow."

The emotion in Lou Yan's heart was not as clear as he showed on the surface. He vaguely felt that the senior brother had concealed something terrible, and also felt that if he didn't follow tomorrow, something irreversible would happen.

"Ayan." Xie Rongci looked up at him.

For some reason, in such indifferent eyes, Lou Yan could see a little sadness from inside.

He had never seen this Bing Tuozi show such a look.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to visit Master Xuyun, I won't do anything else."

Lou Yan's tone paused slightly, and then he said seriously, "I grew up with you since childhood, and we have been in love for more than ten years. How can I not worry about it, senior brother, you are not alone."

"Although I don't know what is hidden in your heart, I know that you seem to be transparent, but in fact you are the easiest to be stubborn to the end."

"In this world, not everything is as you wish." He squeezed the folding fan between his fingers almost out of shape, and said with a forced smile, "It's like a junior sister, if you can't be a husband and wife, it's okay to be a brother and sister with a good relationship."

"In this world, there is not only love. There are many things that can override love."

Even though he said so, Lou Yan couldn't stop ridiculing from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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