Chapter 415
"I punched him to the left and then to the right, and he ended up kneeling on the ground begging for mercy."

Gu Qinglan took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve with a blank expression, and threw it into Lou Yan's hand.

"It's filled with Ruanjin powder. You go and get some for senior brother, and then show me the beating again. Just do what you said, punch him left and right, and beat him to his knees begging for mercy."

Lou Yan: "..." It's meaningless to be serious like this. He can't do it just by bragging.

"I've already fought once, wouldn't it be too brotherly to do it again?" Lou Yan said with a straight body and righteous words.

"And why do your sleeves have loose tendons?" Could it be that you are always fascinated by that dog prince?
Thinking of this, Lou Yan's expression suddenly became meaningful.

Gu Qinglan stretched out her feet, stepped heavily on Lou Yan's pure white shoes, and crushed them back and forth, "Put away the thoughts in your head, or I'll chop off your feet with one knife."

While Lou Yan grinned in pain, he couldn't help muttering, "I said it with my mouth, what are you doing with my feet, women really don't know what to do."

Gu Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at him dangerously, and curled her lips, "What did you say?"

Lou Yan immediately covered his mouth, his eyes widened.

"Eldest brother is like this now, are you really not going to tell me the reason?" Gu Qinglan slammed her feet hard.

"Ow~" Lou Yan couldn't help but yelled loudly, then jumped and yelled while hugging the trampled foot.

"I said that's it, don't do it again."

Lou Yan can't wait to cry right now, there is no one who has been wronged more than him in the whole world, obviously he is also very hurt in his heart, but he still has to hold back his tears.

"If I said, how does it have something to do with you that senior brother became like this?" Lou Yan asked tentatively.

Gu Qinglan lazily took away the porcelain bottle in his hand, and stuffed it back into his sleeve, "Then how much is left?"

Lou Yan was taken aback, his smile slowly disappeared, his expression was rare and serious, "You know?"

But how is this possible? If he knew, how could things have developed to this point.

"I know."

She has read so many story books, even if she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs run away many times.

Not to mention, women are naturally more sensitive about such matters.

Lou Yan's body felt cold, as if he was in a world of ice and snow at the moment, and his heartbeat slowed down.

"Since you already knew, what did you think?" Lou Yan's mouth was astringent.

Gu Qinglan: "So what if you know, so what if you don't know, after all, the final result is the same, and my mind will not change."

He knew what she was talking about, just like this, the temperature in his body seemed to leave him little by little, his whole body was stiff, and even breathing was difficult.

"You're so cruel." He stared blankly, uttering these words with difficulty.

"Cruel-hearted?" Gu Qinglan's expression did not change, she was still indifferent, "Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Since there is no result, why do you want to start? Isn't it cruel to drag it on like this? The injury will only be worse."

"But, if you don't start, how do you know there will be no results." Lou Yan didn't know whether he said this for the elder brother or himself.

In fact, more, it is for myself.

Although I have already given up, there is always some hope in my heart.

When I was drunk, I took out these hopes, thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't given up.

(End of this chapter)

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