Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 416 I Have a Good Heart

Chapter 416 I Have a Good Heart

But what she said now seemed to have dug out the last ray of hope left in his heart, and then stepped heavily on the ground.

Buried in dust, never to be seen again.

"Because I know I won't like it no matter what."

The voice is extremely gentle, but the words are so cruel.

"What about him, are you so sure that you will like him?"

Lou Yan didn't mention his name, but Gu Qinglan knew that the person he was talking about was Jing Mo.

"Marrying him was not what I wanted at first. I just wanted to take on the responsibility of the Gu family daughter. It was an accident that I fell in love with him, but it made sense."

Gu Qinglan didn't know how to describe this feeling. When she saw Jing Mo for the first time, although she was attracted by his beauty, she somehow felt that he was familiar.

Lou Yan struggled and asked, "Since there can be accidents, why are you unwilling to give other people a chance, maybe there will be accidents you want."

All over the capital, there are rumors about how well the crown prince treats the crown princess. Up to now, there is only the crown princess in the East Palace, which is the envy of all women in the world.

But this kind of cherishing is not only the dog prince can do it.

"Second Senior Brother, do you know why I fell in love with him?"

Such a stupid, yet so shrewd person.

Gu Qinglan sometimes feels surprised, after all, in the previous ten years of her life, she never thought that she would be tempted by such a fool.

Lou Yan didn't speak, his eyes dimmed.

Gu Qinglan held up her left wrist to show him, and there was a red bean bracelet on the slender white and tender wrist.

The red beans on the red bean bracelet are not pretty, and they are not even so neatly connected together.

"Why?" Lou Yan asked with trembling lips.

"Beside him, I will feel that I am not so cold, and all the excitement and happiness are real, not fake hilarity."

"He is not perfect, just like this red bean bracelet. It is not as beautiful as gemstones and jade, and it is not as fragrant as sandalwood beads. It is very ordinary, but it is my favorite."

good heart...

Lou Yan swayed, pinched the fan bone heavily with his fingers, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

Thousands of sentences are not worth these three words, I have a good heart.

Lou Yan even felt that standing here now, he seemed to be humiliating himself.

As if he had lost all the strength in his body, he leaned his back against the tree, looked at Gu Qinglan, and smiled lightly after a while, but his eyes were dim, "I see."

Gu Qinglan didn't leave, but raised her eyes very seriously, and asked word by word, "Knowing this, will you be strangers to me?"

Lou Yan stood up straight, walked in front of her, his fingers trembled, and finally patted her on the shoulder with a very light force, "What are you talking about, you didn't do anything wrong, senior brother... I I will persuade you."

Seeing that she still had no emotion on her face, Lou Yan grinned the corners of her lips and laughed a few times, "Look at you, I just said something joking, why did it make you droop your head in dejection?"

"It seems that this trick is not bad. I can use it to deceive you next time." Lou Yan finally stretched out his hand, landed on Gu Qinglan's hair, and rubbed it heavily. I can't even tell the words."

Lou Yan's tone paused slightly, and he withdrew his hand, with a playful tone, "You believe everything you say, and if you are sold by someone, you might have to help him count the money together."

(End of this chapter)

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