Chapter 421
Qing Qingrou tightly embraced his waist with her boneless hands, full of fragrance.

Or, he lightly bit Qingqing's lips, and his fingers moved restlessly between his slender waist.

Either way, he is willing.

"Jealous fire?" Gu Qinglan snorted coldly, and sneered, "Let me count the marriages of Your Highness, Concubine Xu's niece? Jiang Yueru from the Jiang family? Zhou Ruoling who is staying in the palace now? There is another palace Yan Yue outside the door."

Gu Qinglan poked her fingers heavily on the man's chest.

"These are all I already know, and those who don't know about two hands are innumerable. Why, after listening to the words of the concubine, will the jealousy in my heart still not be extinguished?"

Jing Mo: "..."

He tried to defend himself, and said dryly, "I swear to God, I really didn't have any physical contact, and I hid very quickly."

Gu Qinglan glanced at him, "Your Highness doesn't have one, nor does my concubine, and I don't know where His Highness's jealousy comes from."

With such means, I still want to fight her.

What a fool.

Jing Mo was speechless, so he had to find another way, "Just now my father said that I am weak, but also said that I am plump."

Xuanran was about to cry, her eyes drooped slightly.

To make such a pitiful appearance, even if there are hundreds of thousands of words in the storybook to describe it, it is not as charming as him.

"It used to be General Gu, but it was father-in-law when he came here, and now he has become father." Gu Qinglan tried to change the subject, "You changed your name really quickly."

Jing Mo didn't want her to change the subject, so he was hardened for a while, "Qingqing answer my last sentence first."

Gu Qinglan couldn't help looking at the man's waist, which was bound by a pure black belt, which was very thin and felt very good to the touch.

The skin texture is clearly visible, and the well-defined muscles one after another will rise and fall slightly with breathing.

Sometimes, it is also glowing attractive red.

"Hey, it's not fat, it's just right for me to touch."

After Jing Mo heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly widened, like a frightened small animal, from the ears to the neck where the clothes could not cover, there were large patches of red.

Seeing him like this, Gu Qinglan's heart softened even more. She stood on tiptoe with some difficulty and touched the man's head, "Good boy, I saw it with my own eyes and touched it with my own hands. Natural words are the most meaningful." persuasive."

Jing Mo leaned over her ear with blushing cheeks, spraying all his hot breath on her delicate skin.

"That's right, Qingqing knows best if my body is empty or not."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She coldly opened the corners of her lips, and when the man approached, she grabbed the soft flesh on his arm and twisted it hard.

"Ow~" Jing Mo cried out subconsciously, but immediately covered his mouth and swallowed the second half of the sound into his stomach.

Gu Qinglan turned and walked forward, and said casually, "It's just a light pinch, and it's called like this. It seems that what my father said is right, your body is indeed weak."

Jing Mo froze in place, he could only watch the woman's ruthless figure gradually disappear, her grievances shrank and pitiful.

"Look, General, His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are here together." Zhao Dezhong smiled flatteringly, and even his eyes were narrowed at first glance.

Gu Yang raised his eyes and saw a pair of Bi people approaching gracefully, his brows were slightly frowned.

When did Lan'er get so close to the prince?
As a man, he naturally knows best what it means for a man to look at a woman with such eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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