Chapter 422 Reluctant
However, he remembered that the prince seemed to have a favorite woman.

Gu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to get rid of the dangerous look in them.

Gu Qinglan pinched the man's arm tightly with her fingers, and threatened in a low voice without a smile on her face, "If you talk nonsense in front of your father later, I will castrate you."

Jing Mo: "... Is Qingqing willing?"

Although he knew that her words could only be a threat, Jing Mo still felt a chill down his back for no reason.

Gu Qinglan sneered, and squinted at him, "You see, I won't be willing to part with it then."

When Gu Yang and the others sat down, they suddenly moved and pushed the flagon in front of Jing Mo.

"Today, the minister must get drunk with His Highness this time."

When Jing Mo was about to answer, Gu Qinglan suddenly stepped on his foot heavily, and then crushed it repeatedly.

"Too much wine hurts the body, so it's better to replace the wine with tea. This way it won't hurt the body, and it won't lose the love." Gu Qinglan pushed the wine pot over, raised her eyes and said lightly.

If it was an ordinary time, Gu Yang would definitely stop at this moment.

But what he wants now is to pour Jing Mo with wine to vent his unhappiness.

"Too much wine can hurt your health, but if you drink a little, it's nothing." Gu Yang made a clever move and pushed the jug in front of Jing Mo, looking at him fixedly.

While being watched closely by Gu Yang, while being stepped on by Gu Qinglan, Jing Mo, who was caught in the middle and could not advance or retreat: "..."

Seeing this, Gu Yang laughed again, "If you don't drink it, don't drink it. It turns out that His Highness the Crown Prince has a noble status, and the wine in Gu's residence is not worthy of His Highness the Crown Prince."

As soon as these words came out, Jing Mo would still be so stupid and silent. He quickly stood up, picked up the flagon and poured a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp, "My son-in-law will not be drunk with his father today." return."

Gu Yang: "..." Is there something wrong with this title?

Gu Yang subconsciously looked at Gu Qinglan, and instantly met her cold gaze.

After only drinking two pots, Gu Qinglan felt something was wrong with the people around her.

He didn't speak, just laughed foolishly from time to time.


As soon as Jing Mo opened his mouth, Gu Qinglan quickly took a piece of sugar cake and stuffed it directly into the man's mouth, blocking what he wanted to say.

The man blinked aggrievedly, then chewed the candy a few times and swallowed it down.

He even wanted to lean over and said in a hoarse voice, "Sweet."

Gu Qinglan parted the corners of her lips, smiled, looked at Gu Yang and said, "Your Highness is too strong to drink, let father see a joke."

Gu Yang said in his heart that he was in the mood of watching a joke, and it was obvious that the more he looked at it, the more angry he became.

He knocked the wine cup on the table heavily, Jing Mo was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he stared blankly.

"Father, what's the matter?" He asked in a daze.

Behind Jing Mo, Zhao Dezhong wished he could cover his face with a dust whisk, and then pretended that he had never been to Gu's residence at all today.

He knew what His Highness looked like when he was drunk.

But generally speaking, even if His Highness is drunk outside, he will be slightly concerned about his own face, and will not show his drunken posture without saying a word.

It's just that the word "father" probably had some inexplicable effect today, making His Highness really regard this place as the East Palace and feel very comfortable.

If Gu Yang saw Jing Mo like this for the first time, his eyes would narrow slightly, and his heart would be moved.

If he asked something at this moment, he would definitely get the answer he wanted immediately.

Gu Yang said, "I only have this one daughter, I hope His Highness will treat her well."

(End of this chapter)

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